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定 价:¥16.00

作 者: 陈爱敏编译
出版社: 东方出版中心
标 签: 英语

ISBN: 9787806274279 出版时间: 1999-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 19cm 页数: 469 字数:  






   目 录
   The Night the President Met the Burglar
   Colurnbus and the Egg
   Wagner’s Working Costume
   Iacocca’s Story
   The President People Find Difficult to Dislike
   Ralph Bunce,Architect of Peace
   How Napoleon Crossed the Alps
   Manuscript for Kettles
   The President Who Was Workaholic
   Roosevelt Jokes with Stalin at Churchill’s
   The Sleepiest Occupant of the White House
   The First Men on the Moon
   The Last Years of Einstein
   Incurable Pride
   The Model of Nobility
   Truman Put Sormething over the Russians
   The Minister Who Was Greeted with a
   Butcher’s Knife
   Girl Liked Whiskers
   Alexander the Great
   The Stingy Coolidge
   The King and His Hawk
   You'd Better Go back to School
   Mark Twain and the Game Warden
   Catalani and Goethe
   Lincoln Was Able to Joke about Hinself?
   Popular Maradona
   “Conrade Churchill’
   A Peculiar Genius
   “Eureka ’
   Khruschev and Guard of Honour
   The First Television
   Viotti’s Tin Fiddle
   Kissinger and the Belly Dancer
   John F.Kennedy ,the Quick Witted President
   Spohr As a Horn Player
   Seduction or Rape ?
   Super Sprinter
   Liszt's precocity
   Alfred Nobel —a Man of Contrasts
   Gottlieb Daimler and the First Motor-Cars
   James Watt and the Teakettle
   Beethoven ’s First Triumph
   The Avaricious Czarina
   Johnson vs Ford
   Drop Your Pants
   Zhu Ziqing Preferred Death to Relief
   Food fromAmerica
   Absent Minded
   A TelegramC/O the Queen
   An Episode in the Life of an Artist
   You Will Be Seeping with the President of the
   United States
   Moscow's Reformer Yeltsin Stirs Up the
   George Washington and the Horse
   The “Ox” Minuet
   A Double Misunderstanding
   “Stinking” presents
   Saving a Fiddle
   Napoleon Outwitted by a Songstress
   The Pope Learning English
   Clementi ’s Economy
   A Story about Sir Isaac Newton
   Playing on aShoe
   ASecond Napoleon
   Western NotedPersonswithCats
   ADay intheLife of“Winston Churchill’
   The Minister ’sWife Who Emerged from
   Geo rge Steph enson and the Rail ways
   The Most Unpopu larPresi dent
   Cooli dge ’sHum our
   Alexanderand Buceph alus
   Sirlsaac New ton and the Apple
   SadTears ofthe IronWoman
   Galileo and thelamps
   Kant ’sDaily Life
   The Lumi èreBrothersand theCinema
   What ’sthe Hurry
   TheGrunblings oftheFrenchForeignMinister
   Kennedy vsNixon
   Carter ’sJoke
   TheMan Who Became Presi dent Against all
   The Fou rth Term Pres ident
   An Inside Joke
   Give theDog aTelephone Call
   Can You Keep aSecret?
   Kiss inger ,theReal orthe False ?
   George Washi ngton and His Hat chet
   How Paganini Sec ured His Fav ouri teFiddl e
   The Fall ofMussol ini
   Churchill“Stole”aSilver Plate
   Never BeenOuttalked
   Eisenhower Ma kes aBet with
   The Unde rstan ding Presi dent
   Chris tian ’sHuy gens and the Story of
   The Pres ident Who Cou ldAd lib
   The Pot Callsthe Kettle Black
