Part1 Overiew of the scenario
1. 1 Scenario overview
1. 1. 1 S/390 software prerequisites
1. 1. 2 Windows NT client software prerequisites
1. 2 Overview of the servlets
1. 2. 1 Order servlet
1. 2. 2 Bid servlet
1. 2. 3 Accept servlet
1. 2. 4 Email servlet
1. 3 Overview of the server environment
1. 4 Overview of the Web application
1. 4. 1 From the user's perspective
1. 4. 2 From the programmer's perspective
2. 1 Install IBM VisualAge for Java V3.02
2. 2 Install VisualAge fof Java features
2. 3 Install IBM WebSphere Studio 3. 5
2. 4 Install a Web browser
2. 5 Install the demo files
3. 1 About the application flow
3. 1. 1 Getting started
3. 1. 2 Retrieving customer order information
3. 1. 3 Requesting shipping options
3. 1. 4 Accepting a bid
3. 1. 5 Emailing the customer
3. 2 About the server applications
3. 2. 1 About the customer and order applications
3. 2. 2 About the shipper applications
3. 2. 3 About the hub application
3. 2. 4 About the IMS customer application
3. 2. 5 Check database and transaction
3. 3 About the subsystem configuration
3. 3. 1 About MQSeries configuration
3. 3. 2 About MQ/CICS Bridge configuration
3. 3. 3 About CICS configuration
3. 3. 4 About DB2 configuration
3. 3. 5 About WebSphere Application Server configuration
3. 3. 6 About IMS Connect
Part 2 Creating the servlets
4. 1 Cteate Java beans that access CICS and DB2
4. 1. 1 Create the B2BApp project
4. 1. 2 Create the order package
4. 1. 3 Create the COBOL customer record type
4. 1. 4 Create the CustomerRecord class
4. 1. 5 Create the COBOL order record type
4. 1. 6 Create the OrderRecord class
4. 1. 7 Create the RetrieveCustomerCommand class
4. 1. 8 Create the RetrieveOrderCommand class
4. 1. 9 Create the CICSRetrieveNavigator class
4. 2 Test the CICS connection
4. 2. 1 Create a CICSNavExecute test application
4. 2. 2 Run the CICSNavExecute test
4. 2. 3 What you have proved so far
4. 2. 4 Create a version of the ordr peckage
4. 3 Generate the order servlet and generic user interface files
4. 3. 1 Preparing the WebSphere Studio project
4. 3. 2 Generate the order servleL HTML, and JSP files
4. 4 Customize the order servlet
4. 5 Publish the order servlet on the test stage
4. 5. 1 Set up Studio publishing for local testing
4. 5. 2 Publish the order files on the test stags
4. 6 Test the order servlet in the WebSphere Test Environment
4. 6. 1 Set up the Servlet Engine classpath
4. 6. 2 Run the Servlet Engine
4. 6. 3 Run the servlet
4. 7 Modify the order beans for publishing on the server
4. 7. 1 Abot the modifications
4. 7. 2 Change the code psge
4. 7. 3 Change the command bean properties
4. 7. 4 Change the navigator properties
4. 7. 5 Export from VisualAge for Java to WebSphere
4. 8 PUblish the order servlet on the Server
4. 8. 1 Modify the servlet configuration file
4. 8. 2 Modify the user interface files
4. 8. 3 Prepare to publish on the host
4. 8. 4 Publish the order files on the server
4. 8. 5 Check the WebSphere Application Server classpath
4. 8. 6 Provide permissions for the published files
4. 9 Test the order servlet from a Web browser
5. 1 Create Java beans that access MQSeries
5. 1. 1 Create the bid package
5. 1. 2 Create the BidMessageType record type
5. 1. 3 Create the BidRequest record class
5. 1. 4 Create the AllBidsMessageType record type
5. 1. 5 Create the AllBidsReply record class
5. 1. 6 Create the BidRequestCommand class
5. 1. 7 Create the AllBidsReplyCommand class
5. 1. 8 Create the BidsNavigator class
5. 2 Test the MQ connection
5. 2. 1 Create a TestBidsNav test application
5. 2. 2 Run TestBidsNav to test the MQ connection
5. 2. 3 Create a version of the bid package
5. 3 Generate the bidservlet and generic user interface
5. 3. 1 Prepare to generate
5. 3. 2 Generate the bid servlet, HTML, and JSP files
5. 4 Customize the bid servlet
5. 5 Publish the bid servlet on the test stage
5. 6 Test the bid servlet in the WebSphere Test Environment
5. 6. 1 Start the WebSphere Test Environment
5. 6. 2 Run the Servlet Engine
5. 6. 3 Run the servlet
5. 7 Publish the bid Servlet on the server
5. 7. 1 Modify the servlet configuration file
5. 7. 2 Modify the user interface files
5. 7. 3 Publish the bid files on the server
5. 7. 4 Check the WebSphere Application Server classpath
5. 7. 5 Provide permissions for the published files
5. 8 Test the bid servlet from a Web browser
6. 1 Create Java beans to exchange MQSeries messages
6. 1. 1 Create the accept package
6. 1. 2 Create the AcceptMessageType record type
6. 1. 3 Create the AcceptRequestMessage record class
6. 1. 4 Create the BothConfMessage record type
6. 1. 5 Create the BothConfReply record class
6. 1. 6 Create the AcceptRequestCommand class
6. 1. 7 Create the BothConfReplyCommand class
6. 1. 8 Create the AcceptNavigator class
6. 2 Test the MQ connection
6. 2. 1 Create the TestAcceptNav class
6. 2. 2 Run TestAcceptNav to test the MQ connection
6. 2. 3 Review what you have demonstrated
6. 2. 4 Create a version the accept package
6. 3 Generate the accept servlet and generic user interface files
6. 3. 1 Getting the accept bean files into WebSphere Studio
6. 3. 2 Generate the accept servlet, HTML, and JSP files
6. 4 Customize the accept servlet
6. 5 Publish the accept servlet on the test stage
6. 6 Test the accept sefvlet in the WebSphere Test Environment
6. 7 Publish the accept servlet on the server
6. 7. 1 Modify the servlet configuration file
6. 7. 2 Modify the user interface files
6. 7. 3 Publish the accept files on the server
6. 7. 4 Provide permissions for the published accept files
6. 8 Test the accept sefvlet from a Web browser
6. 9 Summary
7. 1 Create the IMS beans
7. 1. 1 Create the package
7. 1. 2 Create a RecordType for the input message
7. 1. 3 Create a transaction input record bean
7. 1. 4 Create a RecordType for the output message
7. 1. 5 Create a transaction output record bean
7. 1. 6 Create a command class for the IMS transaction
7. 2 Test the beans in the Websphere Test Environment
7. 2. 1 Create the test JavaServer Page
7. 2. 2 Run the Java Server Page locally
7. 3 Create the servlet and add email functionality
Part 3 Creatinn the Web application
8. 1 Define a Web application in WebSphere Application Server
8. 2 Provide the interactive flow
8. 2. 1 Create the opening page
8. 2. 2 Modify the order results page
8. 2. 3 Modify the order servlet configuration file
8. 2. 4 Modify the bid results page
8. 2. 5 Modify the bid servlet configuration file
8. 2. 6 Modify the accept results page
8. 2. 7 Modify the accept sefvlet configuration file
8. 3 Modlfy the generated servlets to pass the data
8. 3. 1 Understanding the order servlet
8. 3. 2 Understanding the bid servlet
8. 3. 3 Modifying the accept servlet
8. 4 Optionally, enhance the user interface
8. 5 Considerations for developing your own Web applications
A. 1 Message syntax
A. 1. 1 Bid messages
A. 1. 2 AccEPt messages
A. 2 Server application quick reference