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作 者: (英)Vivian Cook著;王初明导读
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
标 签: 语言学


ISBN: 9787560019758 出版时间: 2000-10-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 23cm 页数: 318 字数:  


  Since the early 1970s an exciting new discipline of second language acquisition research has been emerging. This innowvative, wide-ranging volume represents the first linguistiesbased introduction to this new area, providing a critical account of its methodology and goals. Linguistics and Second Language acquisition considers the sequence in which people learn second languages, the controversial Input Hypothesis, the ways in which second language learning is related to pidgins, the links with current ideas of syntax, the significance of the Universal Grammar model of language acquisition, and the relevance of psychological processing, It provides a factual outline of each area and a critical evaluation of it within an overall argument about the contribution of theoretical linguistics to second language acquisition research. Vivian Cook is Reader in Applied Linguistics at the University of Essex.




Preface by Halliday
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 The Background to Current Second Language Acquisition
1.1 The Goals of Second Language Research
1.2 The Scope of this Book
1.3 Early Second Language Acquisition Research
Chapter 2 Sequences in Second Language Acquisition
2.1 Grammatical Morphemes
2.2 Negation and the Learner''s Language System
2.3 Explanations for Stages of Second Language Acquisition
2.4 The Concept of Stage
2.5 Syntactic Aspects of Grammatical Morpheme and Negation
2.6 Observational Data in Second Language Acquisition
Chapter 3 The Input Hypothesis Model
3.1 The Five Hypotheses
3.2 Krashen''s Evidence for the Input Hypothesis
3.3 Evidence for the Other Hypotheses
3.4 Models in Second Language Acquisition Research
Chapter 4 Pidgins, Creoles, and Variation
4.1 Pidginisation and Acculturation
4.2 Creoles and Second Language Acquisition
4.3 Second Language Acquisition and Variation
4.4 L2 Use and L2 Learning
Chapter 5 The Multidimensional Model and the Teachability
5.1 Orders of Acquisition in German
5.2 Extensions to the Original Multidimensional Model Research
5.3 The Linguistic Basis for the Multidimensional Model
5.4 The Processing Rationale for the Multidimensional Model
5.5 Methodological Issues
5.6 General Implications of Psychological Processing Models
Chapter 6 Learning and Communication Strategies
6.1 Learning Strategies
6.2 Communication and Compensatory Strategics
6.3 Methodological Issues in Strategies Research
6.4 Linguistics and Strategies Research
Chapter 7 Relative Clauses: Beyond Phrase Structure Syntax
7.1 Relative Clauses and the Accessibility Hierarchy
7.2 Relative Clauses and Psychological Processing
7.3 The L2 Acquisition of Relative Clauses and Linguistics
7.4 Comprehension and Experiments in SLA Research
Chapter 8 Principles and Parameters Syntax
8.1 Some Concepts of Principles and Parameters Theory: X-bar
8.2 The Pro-drop Parameter and the Inflection Phrase
8.3 Binding Theory
8.4 The Head-direction Parameter Principal Branching
8.5 Syntax and SLA Research
Chapter 9 The Universal Grammar Model and Second Language
9.1 The Universal Grammar Model of Language Acquisition
9.2 Access to UG and Subjacency in L2 Learners
9.3 Access to UG and German Word Order
9.4 Evidence in UG-related Research and Grammaticality
9.5 UG and Multi-competence
Chapter 10 Cognitive Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
10.1 Anderson''s ACT* Model
10.2 Temporal Variables
10.3 Information Processing
10.4 MacWhinney''s Competition Model
10.5 Plans and Goals
10.6 Other Features of Cognitive Theories
10.7 Methodology
10.8 The Linguistic Background
10.9 Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition
