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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语写作/翻译柯林斯COBUILD英语动词句型与操练



定 价:¥21.80

作 者: (英)JohnSinclair主编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 柯林斯COBUILD英语词典系列
标 签: 写作/翻译

ISBN: 9787810469456 出版时间: 2000-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 25cm 页数: 246 字数:  


  本书是柯林斯COBUILD 英语词典系列之一。为中、高等程度的英语学习者提供了大量的学习与练习材料,其中100 多种基本动词、句型,每种都有详尽解释。本书编排新颖,每页分两栏,左栏为用法指导,右栏为启发性训练,大量的练习与全面的指导将帮助学习者熟练地掌握英语动词句型




Glossary of grammatical terms
1Verbs used on their own
2Verbs used with two noun groups: 1
3Verbs used with two noun groups: 2
4Verbs used with two noun groups: 3
5Verbs used with two noun groups: 4
6Verbs used with and without a noun group
7Verbs used with reflexive pronouns
8Verbs used with tow noun groups:1
9Verbs used with tow noun groups:2
10Verbs used with an adjective group: 1
11Verbs used with an adjective group: 2
12Verbs used with an adjective group: 3
13Verbs used with an adjective group: 4
14Verbs used with an-ing form:1
15Verbs used with an-ing form:2
16Verbs used with a to-infintive:1
17Verbs used with a to-infintive:2
18Verbs used with an-gin form or an infinitive
19Verbs used with an-gin form
20Verbs used with a to-infinitive:3
21Verbs used with a to-infinitive:4
22Verbs used with an -ed form
23Verbs used with a that -clause:1
24Verbs used with a that -clause:2
25Verbs used with a that -clause:3
22Verbs used with a that -clause:3
23Verbs used with a that -clause:1
24Verbs used with a that -clause:2
25Verbs used with a that -clause:3
25Verbs used with a that -clause:3
