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定 价:¥15.80

作 者: 杨蔼权,陆凤儿编著
出版社: 上海远东出版社
丛编项: 活学英语丛书
标 签: 英语


ISBN: 9787806139929 出版时间: 2000-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm 页数: 158 字数:  






    1. Surprise/Exdtement/Admiration
    1. Mygoodness! 2 1 can't wait to see it 3. I'mscared!
    4. Great! 5 Excellent! 6. I'm so excited!
    7. You are wonderful! 8. How did you do it? 9. Marvellous!
    10. What a surprise! 11. You are kidding me! 12. You look great!
    13. We made it! 14. That's amazing! 15. That's crazy!
   2. Disappointment/Sorrow/Helplessness
    16.1 can't believe it! 17. It's unfair! 18.1 feel bad.
    19.1'm fed up. 20. 1 just can't take it! 21.1've had enough.
    22.1 wish 1 knew. 23. It's hopeless 24.1'm feeling down
    25.1'm very disappointed 26. 1 hate to say it,... 27. Sad to say,
    28.Why me? 29 It's not good enough 30. Everything's
   3. EncouragementyComfortyConcern (Bfill ISHS. ff)
    31.Cheer up! 32. Don'tworryaboutthat 33. Don't panic!
    34. Don't look back 35. I've every confidence 36. Things will tumin you out fine.
    37. You'll get used to it 38. Relax! 39. You never know
    40. Just try your best 41. 1 sympathize with you 42. Take it easy!
    43. Don't push 44. Don't give up! 45. It's not the end of
    yourself too hard the world
   4. Regret/Gratitude
    46.1'm sorry to hear that 47 Please forgive me 48. Sorry, I'vemade a mistake.
    49. It's all my fault 50. Thanks a lot 51. It's very kind of you
    52.1 really appreciate it 53 That's all right 54. You're welcome
    55. You've helped me a lot 56 1 wish 1 could help 57. 1 should have wamedyou.
    58. Don't mention it 59. It's my pleasure 60. Forget it!
   5. Request
    61. Leave me alone, please!
    64. Pardon, please
    67. Do me a favour, please
    70. Faster, please!
    73. Don't do this to me,
    62. Give me a break!
    65 Don't push me!
    63. Let me through,
    66. Could you lend me
    a hand?
    68. Just a moment. 69. Hold it!
    71. Would you stop it, please? 72. Don't blow it,
    74. Don't make me do it 75. Give me another
    chance, please
   6. EnquiryYReply
    76.What'son your mind? 77. Whodidit?
    79. What's up?
    80. What did 1 do wrong?
    78. Did 1 make myself
    81. What are you
    trying to say?
    82. What's your story? 83. You don't mean it, do you? 84.1'll see if 1 can do
    85. Nothing special 86 I'll try my best 87.I'll see about
    88. Let me think about it 89. Let me see what 1 can do 90. Let me explain to
   7. Expressing opinions
    91. Easyjob! 92. It's easier said than done. 93. Nobigdeal!
    94. 1 guess you're right 95. It'sworthit 96. Nothingnew.
    97 Everything's under 98 Noway! 99 I'mafraidnot
    100. To tell you the tmth, 101. It's a piece of cake 102. It's all the same
    103.1 dare say, 104. Don't misunderstand me 105. If I'm not
    Vlll. Explaining one's own case
    106.1 didn't do it. 107. I've got it! 108.1 see.
    109. We can manage 110.1'm in good shape 111.1've got no choice
    112.1've no idea 113. rmserious 114. I've never heardofthat.
    115. You can count on me 116. Notthatlknowof 117.Iknownothingabout it
    118. It's not my fault 119. 1 only have myself 120.1've had second
    to blame thoughts
   8. Criticism/Rebuke
    121. It doesn't make
    sense at all!
    124. What do you think
    you are doing?
    127. Mind your words!
    122. You've gone too far
    125. Don't you dare
    128. Don'twastemy
    time any more.
    131. No more excuses!
    123. You've got it
    with you?
    129. Nonsense!
    132. You asked for it
   9. Suggestion/Advice/Order
    135. It's time we stopped
    137. Get moving! 138. You'd better do it now
    140. Do something about it 141. 1 wouldn't do it if 1
    were you.
    143. Let's give him a big 144. Keep away from them
    146. Take it away from me 147. Think twice
    136. May 1 suggest
    something new?
    139. Let's get started!
    forgive him?
