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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学语言文字学习和运用第二语言的策略(1)



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作 者: (英)Andrew D.Cohen著;文秋芳导读
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
标 签: 语言学

ISBN: 9787560019451 出版时间: 2000-10-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 23cm 页数: 348 字数:  


  当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库“系列丛书之一。本书主要是近十年第二语言谋略研究的总结,重点讨论了如下一系列有价值的问题:(1)学习者策略的定义和归类:(2)调查学习者策略的方法:(3)策略培训的各种方法:(4)双语或多语者思维语言的选择:(5)学习者测试策略的运用等。Strategies in Learning and Using a Second Language explores the topic of learner strategies-the ways in which language learners engage with the process of learning and communicating in a new language.The introduction to the book sets out the main theoretical issues. distinguishing language learning from language use strategies, and describing the main tesearch methods for their investigation. The author presents innovative research linking the use of task-specific strategies with language performance. The volume then presents empirical research investigating the languages multiimguals select for their verbalized thoughts during language learning and language use. finally, the author presents empirical research focusing on the strategies learncrs use in language test-taking contexts. The volume is intended primarily for language teachers and researchers, as well as for administrators of second language programs. It is also highly suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students of applied linguistics and will be of interest to foreign language students. stimulating them to reflect on their strategies for learning andusing a second language.The chapters present questions and raise areas for further discussion and study, making the book suitable for tose new to the field. At the same time. the provision of important new research will appeal to those with more advanced knowledge in the field.


  Andrew d. Cohen is Professor in the Department of English as a second Language and graduate Program in Linguitics. University of Minnesota. He is also Director of the National Language resource Center at the University.


Preface by Halliday
Author's acknowledgements
publisher's acknowledgements
1 Introduction
2 Second language learnign and language use stategies:defining terms
3 Methods for investigating language learing and language ues strategies
4 Strategy training for learners and the role of the teacher
5 The impact of strategies-based instruction on speaking a foreign language
6 Stategies for choosing the language of thought
7 Strategy ues in tesing situations
8 Disuccion and conclusions
