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剑桥国际英语教程(录像活动用书 入门级)

剑桥国际英语教程(录像活动用书 入门级)

定 价:¥19.90

作 者: (美)Jack C.Richards著
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 剑桥英语

ISBN: 9787560021423 出版时间: 2003-03-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 28cm 页数: 66 字数:  




  Jack C.Richards,国际知名教授,在教学法、教师发展、教材设计领域享有国际声望。曾在美国、香港、新加坡、新西兰、加拿大、印度尼西亚和巴西等地大学任教多年,并在东亚、北美、南美、欧洲和中东等地讲学或担任顾问。


House party Bob and Jennifer go to their teacher''s party, but
things don''t turn out as expected.
Functional Focus Introducing oneself; asking for and giving information
Grammar The verb be
Vocabulary People husband, wife
Lost and found Sandra oversleeps and has to rush to make
her flight to Italy.
Functional Focus Asking for and giving location
Grammar Prepositions of place
Vocabulary Location words
3 Documentary
Newcomer High School At avery
interesting school, students from around the world
talk about their countries of origin.
Functional Focus Asking for and giving information about countries,
nationalities, and native languages
Grammar Questions with be
Vocabulary Countries, regions, and languages
4Documentary What are you wearing People
southern California talk about the clothes they have on.
Functional Focus Asking about and describing clothing
Grammar Present continuous with the verb wear
Vocabulary Clothing
What are you doing Vicki in Los Angeles and herfriend
Paulo in Rio de Janeiro call each other to say hello.
Functional Focus Telling Ume; asking about and describing current activities
Grammar Present continuous statements and questions
Vocabulary Common activities
Documentary Day and night Andi introduces us to her
busy life: She''s a police officer during the week and a
singer on the weekends.
Functional Focus Talking about routines
Grammar Simple present tense statements and questions
Vocabulary Daily routines
Our first house A young couple in their new home receives
some surprise visitors.
Functional Focus Asking about and describing homes
Grammar There is /There are
Vocabulary Rooms and objects in a home
Documentary While the city sleeps People who
work at night talk about their jobs and their rather
unusual routines.
Functional Focus Talking about work and school
Grammar Simple present tense summary
Vocabulary Jobs
9 Documentary
What are you having
for breakfast People in a restaurant
talk about what they are eating and drinking for
Functional Focus Talking about ealing habits
Grammar Adverbs of frequency
Vocabulary Breakfast foods
10 Documentary What sports do you play
People talk about the activities that they enjoy at
the Chelsea Pier Sports and Entertainment Center in
Now Yolk City.
Functional Focus Talking about abilities and interests
Grammar Can
Vocabulary Sports
11 Documentary
A weekend in New York City
People talk about what they plan to do during their
short visit to the Big Apple.
Functional Focus Talking about plans
Grammar Future with be going to
Vocabulary Sight-seeing activities
12 The doctor and the patient Mr. Lewis, who is sick,
goes to see the doctor and ends up solving the doctor''s health problem.
Functional Focus Talking about health problems; giving advice
Grammar Imperatives
Vocabulary Action verbs; health problems
13 A visit to Mount Rushmore A young couple triesto
get to one of the United States''s most famous monuments - before the
sun goes down.
Functional Focus Asking for and giving directions
Grammar Opposites of adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions
Vocabulary Direction words
14 Home alone During lunch, Rick tells George about his
disastrous weekend.
Functional Focus Talking about activities in the recent past
Grammar Past tense of regular and irregular verbs
Vocabulary Weekend activities
15 Documentary Hollywood then and now
After we hear a short history of the movie
young people talk about their dreams of success in
Functional Focus Giving personal information
Grammar Past tense of be; Wh-questions with did was, and were
Vocabulary Words related to films
16 The perfect date When Kate has more dating opportunities
than she can handle, she learns that honesty is the best policy.
Functional Focus Accepting and refusing invitations;making excuses
Grammar Verb
Vocabulary Dating activities
