I 献给青年读者
1-1 成功的十大要素
1-2 科学研究的创新思维和方法
1-3 宇宙进化的八个层次结构
1-4 与理科同学谈怎样做好毕业论文
1-5 相规的严格推导法和组分数的确定
1-6 热力学中的“热温商”,熵和过程的不可逆性
II 学术论文
II-1 旋光理论中的邻近作用
II-2 氢分子的自洽势场多中心分子轨道理法
II-3 Quantum chemical basis of the rule of homologous linearity for the energy of molecula orbitals and related properties
II-4 INDO Studies on the electronic structure of lanthanoid compounds
II-5 Electronic structure and chemical bonding of the dimer of bis -ytterbium methyl
II-6 INDO studies on the electronic structure and chemical bonding of a rare earth custer compound ,Gd10C4Cl18
II-7 Coordination of neighboring c -h bond to transition metal center(I)_studies on the electronic structure and chemical bond of ticl3 Me by localized INDO Method
II-8 Structural rules of cluster compounds and related molecules(I)_the formalism
II-9 Structural rules of cluster compounds and related Molecules(II)_New definition of covalence
III. 与学术活动有关的文稿