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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语听力/口语步步为营:美国习语听说训练



定 价:¥16.90

作 者: (美)南希·赫茨菲尔德-皮普金(Nancy Herzfeld-Pipkin)著;秦秀白编译
出版社: 辽宁教育出版社
标 签: 英语

ISBN: 9787538256581 出版时间: 2000-01-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 26cm 页数: 163 字数:  






   Registration:Taking Care of Business
   (as a rule/clear up/fill out/hand in/in advance/in charge of/make a note of/take care of/up-to-date)
   At a Restaurant:What Do You Feel Like Eating?
   (be broke/early bird special/feel like/find out/make up one's mind/out of the question/that makes two of us/to tell you the truth)
   An Accident:Pay Attention to the Road
   (all of a sudden/feel sorry for/(not)have a leg to stand on/in fact/jump the gun/pay attention to/right away/take it easy)
   An Invitation:Are you in the Mood to Go Out Tonight?
   (change one's mind/come on/drop by/get in touch with/in the mood/take a raincheck/talk someone into something/turn someone down/up to you)
   An Advertisement:Take Advantage of This Sale
   (a lemon/believe it or not/call it quits/in other wordson its(one's)last legs/pay an arm and a leg/pull someone's leg/put something off/take advantage of)
   Getting Directions:Don't Get Lost
   (find one's way around/get lost/keep one's eye out for/keep on/make a right/make sure/start out/take the trouble to)
   The Bus tour:Showing You Around the City
   (at all times/by the way/cover a lot of ground/feel tree to/get going/keep up with/lead the way/pick up/show someone around)
   Sports:Keep Your Eye on These Events
   (at first/back and forth/can't believe one's eyes/give it one's best shot/in hot water/keep one's eye on/race against time/way ahead of/win by a mile)
   The Wedding:No Cutting Corners for This One
   (cut corners/for good/get along/get cold feet/let someone know/no wonder/play it by ear/run out of/well-off)
   At the Airport:A Close Call
   (a close call/as a last resort/at the last minute/at(time)sharp/count on someone/no matter what/one at a time/see someone about/under the circumstances)
   Review:Lessons 7-11
   Teacher's Script听力原文
