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Microsoft SQL Server 2000管理员指南

Microsoft SQL Server 2000管理员指南

定 价:¥218.00

作 者: (美)Microsoft公司著
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: Server


ISBN: 9787900629784 出版时间: 2000-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm+光盘1片 页数: 1131页 字数:  


  本书面向大、中、小型机构,介绍中SQL Server 2000的部署、管理和支持过程中涉及的各种常用技能,包括安装前的准备工作,安装和配置及其所用的工具,SQL、T-SQL、DDL 及DML 的用途,内置的特性,用以简化SQL Serever 2000管理的特性及工具,等等。


暂缺《Microsoft SQL Server 2000管理员指南》作者简介


1,Overview of Microsoft SQL Server 2000
2,The Microsoft windows 2000 Platform
3,Roles and Responsibilities of the Microsoft SQL Server DBA
4,designing a Microosft SQL Server System
5,I/O Subsystem Configuration and Planning
6,Capacity Planning
7,Installing Microsoft SQL Server
8,Managing Microsoft SQL Server Services
9,Creating Databases
10,Creating Database Tables
11,Configuring Microsoft SQL Server on the Network
12,Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Cluster Services
13,Introduction to Transact-SQL and SQL Query Analyzer
14,Retrieving data Using Transact-SQL
15,Managing Tables Using Transact-SQL and Enterprise Manager
16,Creating and Using Defaults,constraints,and Rules
17,Creatig and Using Indexes
18,Creating and Using views
19,Understanding Transactions and Transaction Locking
20,Understanding advanced T-SQL
21,Creating and Managing Stored Procedures
22,Creating and Using Triggers
23,Accessing Microsoft SQL Server From the Internet
24,Loading the Database
25,Component services and Microsoft Distributed Transaction coordinator
26,Microsoft SQL Server Replication:Overview and Snapshot Replication
27,Transactional Replication
28,Merge Replication
29,Using Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
30,Microsoft SQL Server Administration
31,Automating Administrative Tasks
32,Backing up Microsoft SQL Server
33,Restoring and Recovering the Database
34,User and Security Management
35,Using SQL Query Analyzer and SQL Profiler
36,Solving common Performance Problems
A,Microsoft SQL Server configuration Parameters
B,Microsoft SQL Server Monitoring
C,DBCC Commands
