Professor Xie Zhufan is a leading specialist in the area ofintegrating Chinese and Western medicine, Taking heed of theculturl differenices of the East and the West, he has writtenPractical Traditiona/ Chinese Medicine to meet the needs ofWestern doctors who do not have the knowledge of Chinese butexplaining profound concepts in simple terms. It covers basictheories and major therapeutic measures, i.e., herbalmedication and acupuncture. The diseases discussed aremainly those, for which Western medical treatment is eitherhardly effective or likely to produce serious side effects whileChinese medicine may gain better results. The therapeuticmethods have been carefully selected; they are quite practicaland easy to apply, indicating the characteristic features oftraditional Chinese medicine: simplicity and effectiveness. Thebook not only includes the basic knowledge of traditionalChinese medicine, but also the fruits of Pro~essor Xie's ownexperience and understanding.