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定 价:¥19.90

作 者: (美)[J.C.理查兹]Jack C.Richards等编著;孙建华,李亚雄译注
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 美国英语听说教程
标 签: 口语与会话 普及性英语学习 英语与其他外语

ISBN: 9787560015361 出版时间: 1999-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 254 字数:  


  《新英语交谈》是美国英语听说教程,是《英语交谈》的修订版。《英语交谈译注本》自1993年出版以来,深受广大读者的好评,已经再版多次。修订后的这套《新英语交谈》在保留了原教材基本框架的基础上,增加了真实对话语言材料,加强了会话练习,增加了练习形式,是一套不可多得的美国英语听说教程。 本书前言特色及评论文章节选领会不可预知的表达能力执行不同的言语功能时,通常都需要有几个来回。例如:我请你去看电影。你接受邀请,问什么地点见面。我提出时间和地点。你同意我的建议,或者不同意而另提建议。开头几句话的功能定了之后,后面一连串的功能大体上时可以预测的,但是具体用什么词语来表达每一项功能,则是不是预测的。听话的人必须能够抓准不同句子的意思,根据词语在句中的位置领会其含义,这样才能具有对话的能力。




To the student
Publisher''s note on the bilingual edition
Unit 1
Conversation 1 Don''t I know you from somewhere
1. Conversational openings
2. Asking if you''ve met before
Listen to this
Conversation 2 I''ve heard a lot about you!
1. Making small talk 1
2. Introducing friends
3. Making small talk 2
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 2
Conversation 1 Where can you get it cleaned
1. Asking where services are located
2. Describing buildings
Listen to this
Conversation 2 Where are the ladies'' gloves
1. Asking for directions in a store 1
2. Asking for directions in a store 2
3. Asking for directions in a mall
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 3
Conversation 1 Could I please speak to Helen
1. Asking to speak to someone
2. Offering to take a message
3. Writing messages down
Conversation 2 I''m sorry. Her line is busy right now.
1. Asking to speak to someone
2. Leaving a message
3. Calling for information
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 4
Conversation 1 What can we do
1. Identifying a problem
2. Making suggestions
Listen to this
Conversation 2 What would you do
Asking for and giving advice
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 5
Conversation 1 Haven''t you heard yet
1. Asking about other people
2. Giving information about other people
3. Reacting to good and bad news
Listen to this
Conversation 2 Wait a minute. Was she hurt
1. Asking for more details
2. Interrupting for details
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 6
Conversation 1 I feel terrible.
1. Talking about symptoms
2. Giving advice
Listen to this
Conversation 2 I''d like to get this prescription filled.
1. Talking about prescriptions
2. Asking about non-prescription drugs
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 7
Conversation 1 Hey! What''s this thing
1. Describing what objects are used for
2. Giving instructions
Listen to this
Conversation 2 What else will I need
1. Discussing needs and requirements
2. Getting clarification
3. Talking about consequences
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 8
Oonversation 1 What kind of place is that
1. Asking about types of hotels
2. Asking for details
3. Making a reservation
Listen to this
Conversation 2 I''d like to check in, please.
1. Checking in
2. Making requests
3. Calling hotel services
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 9
Conversation 1 If you like shopping...
1. Getting information
2. Discussing possible activities
Listen to this
Conversation 2 How do I get there
1. Asking about public transportation
2. Talking about tours
Person to Person
Unit 10
Conversation 1 Do you know who that woman is
1. Asking who someone is
2. Identifying someone
Listen to this
Conversation 2 What''s she like
1. Asking what someone is like
2. Discussing qualities
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 11
Conversation 1 Have you ever tried parachuting
1. Discussing experiences 1
2. Discussing experiences 2
3. Discussing experiences 3
Listen to this
Conversation 2 I''ll never forget the time I...
Relating a personal experience
Listen to this
Person to Person
Unit 12
Conversation 1 What did you think of the movie
1. Asking and giving opinions
2. Agreeing and disagreeing with opinions
3. Giving reasons
Listen to this
Conversation 2 If you ask me...
1. Social issues--agreeing and disagreeing
2. Seeing the other side
Listen to this
Person to Person
Let''s talk
Study Guide
