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英语听力教程(下 专升本)

英语听力教程(下 专升本)

定 价:¥11.60

作 者: 李国芳主编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 中学教师进修高等师范本科教材
标 签: 听力

ISBN: 9787040102888 出版时间: 2003-05-29 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm 页数: 168 字数:  




暂缺《英语听力教程(下 专升本)》作者简介


Lesson One Part I Public School System in the United States
Part II Punishment On Truancy
Lesson Two Part I CompetencyTests for American Teachers
Part II PoorWriting Ability ofAmerican Pupils
Lesson Three Part I VOA Child Health Care Campaign
Part II A UNICEF Repon the Welfare of Children
Lesson Four Part I Handgun Violence in American Schools
Part II Brady Law
Lesson Five Part I Smoking in American Schools
Part II Smoking,Alcohol and Drugs
Lesson Six Part I Domestic Violence
Part I I American Women’S Rights Activists
Lesson Seven Part I Equal Pay for Equal Work
Part II American Women’S Role in Economy
Lesson Eight Part I The Growing Crises in the World
Part II Growing Urban Crisis
Lesson Nine Part I Best Cities for Business
Part II  Revitalized Waterfront in San Francisco
Lesson Ten Part I Flag Day
Part II Gettysburg Battle
Lesson Eleven Part l Halloween
Part ll Ch—stmas Season Purchase
Lesson Twelve Part I Homelessness
Part II Beggars in NewYork City
Lesson Thirteen Part I Capital Punishment in the United States
Part II Violent Crime in the United States
Lesson Fourteen Part I Immigrants’Languages Spoken at Home
in the U.S.
Part II The Official Language in the United States
Lesson Fifteen  Part I Drive Less.Ride More
Part II Bicycle Production in China
Lesson Sixteen Part I A New Study ofAdolf Hitlers Illnesses
Part ll POIio
Lesson Seventeen Part I Bowling
Part II Balanced Diet
Lesson Eighteen Part I Hubble Mission
Part II SpaceWalks
Answer Key
