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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语特色英语新世纪大学英语军事知识阅读



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 周评主编;李啸[等]编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
丛编项: 新世纪大学英语阅读丛书
标 签: 军事


ISBN: 9787301050415 出版时间: 2001-07-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 26cm 页数: 308 字数:  






Part One:Army(陆军篇)
Unit 1 As I See It
Unit 2 Fore XXI:The Army of 2000 and Beyond
Unit 3 Prophet:Tactical SIGNT for the 21st Century
Unit 4 Green Tields Beyond
Unit 5 Silological Warfare:A Silent Threat to America's Defense Trasportation
Part Two:Air Force(空军篇)
Unit 6 Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather?
Unit 7 Newsweek and the 14 Tanks
Unit 8 Advance Air-to-Air Missiles
Unit 9 Apache Urising
Unit 10 Viper Weasels in Action
Part Three:Navy(海军篇)
Unit 11 The U.S. Pacific and Atlantic Fleets
Unit 12 Navy Marines Prepare for Coastal Wars
Unit 13 Leader of Tomorrow's Navy Urged to Pursue Creative Deision-Making
Unit 14 Keeping Your Ships Ready
Unit 15 The Navy Pushes for More
Part Four:Military Thinking & Strategy(军事思想与军事战略篇)
Unit 16 Space:20 Years Out
Unit 17 A New Form of Warfare
Unit 18 Planning for Major Theater Wars:Examining the Worst Case
Unit 19 The New Nuclear Age
Unit 20 The fight for Space
Unit 21 Strategic Defense Technology:Fact or Fiction?
Unit 22 Air force Articulates Strategy for Mananging Space Program
Unit 23 corrdinating the Air-Ground Battle
Part Five:Military Histroy(军事史篇)
Unit 24 Cold War
Unit 25 The October 1973 Arab-Israeli War:Crisis Management and Coectvie Bargaining
Unit 26 Ardennes-Alsace
Unit 27 Creating an Inshore Navy:Littoral Warfare in Days Gone By
Part Six:Others(其它)
Unit 28 Lessons on Flexibility from Operation Cobra
Unit 29 Boys and Girls Apart?
Unit 30 Exorcising and Old Demon
Unit 31 The Crafts of Confusion
Unit 32 Network Security Trainning Needed
Unit 33 Pentagon's Computer Security Dilemmas Remain Unresolved
Unit 34 Eisenhower,Master of Airpower
Unit 35 Casualty of War:The Eisenhower-Patton Friendship
Unit 36 True Blue:Behind the Kosovo Numbers Game
Key to Reading Comprehension
