"NNotes on Contributors
N_1.Speech Acts and Illocutionary Function in translati
N_2.Cooperation and Literary Translati
N_3.Pragmatic Aspects of Translation: Some Relevance-Theory
4.Politeness and Translati
N_5.Text Politeness: A Semiotic Regime for a More Interactive
6.Newversus old
7.Presupposition and Translati
N_8.Deictic Features and the Translator
9.Verb Substitution and Predicate Reference
10.Discourse Connectives, Ellipsis and Markedness
11.Hedges in Political Texts: A Translational Perspective
12.Translating the Pragmatics of Verse in Andromaque
13.Perlocutionary Equivalence: Marking, Exegesis and Recontextualisati