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作 者: (意)马可波罗(Marco Polo)著;(英)[W.马斯登]William Marsden译
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 大师经典文库
标 签: 学术论著

ISBN: 9787560013671 出版时间: 2003-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 21cm 页数: 285 字数:  







Ⅱ Of Armenia Minor-Of the Port of Laiassus-And of the Boundanries of the Province
Ⅲ Of the Province called Turkomania, where are the Cities of Kogni , Kaisariah ,   and Sevasta, and of its Commerce
Ⅳ Of Armenia Major, in which are the Cities of Arzingan, Argiron,and Darziz-Of    the Castle of Paipurth-Of the Mountain where the Ark of Noah rested-Of the    Boundaries of the province-And of a Remarkable Fountain of Oil
Ⅴ Of the Province of Zorzania and its Boundaries-Of the Pass where Alexander the   Great constructed the Gate of Iron-And of the miraculous Circumstances    attending a Fountain at Teflis
Ⅵ Of the Province of Mosul and its different Inhabitants-Of the People named     Kurds-And of the Trade of this Country
Ⅶ Of the great city of Baldach or Bagadet,anciently called Babylon-Of the    Navigation from thence to Balsara,situated in what is termed the Sea of    india,but properly the Persian Gulf-And of the variors sciences studied in     that city
Ⅶ Concerning the Capture and Death of the Khalif of Baldach,and the miraculous    Removal of a Mountain
Ⅸ Of the noble City of Tauris,in Irak,and of its Commercial and other     Inhabitants
Ⅹ Of the Monastery of Saint Barsamo,in the Neighbourhood of Tauris
Ⅺ Of the Province of Persia
Ⅻ Of the Names the Eight Kingdoms that constitute the Province of Persia and of   the Breed of Horses and of Asses found therein
XIII Of the city of yasdi and its Manufactures,and of the Animals found in the     Country between that place and Kierman
XIV Of the Kingdom of Kierman,by the Ancients named Karmania-Of its Fossil and     Mineral Productions-Its Manufactures-Its Falcons-And of a great Descent     observed upon passing out of that Country
