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英语听力入门(教师用书 第一册)

英语听力入门(教师用书 第一册)

定 价:¥7.00

作 者: 张民伦等合编
出版社: 华东师范大学出版社
丛编项: 教师用书
标 签: 听力


ISBN: 9787561700228 出版时间: 1983-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 198 字数:  




暂缺《英语听力入门(教师用书 第一册)》作者简介


   Unit 1 Introduction
    Lesson 1
    Lesson 2
   Unit 2 Going to School
    Lesson 3
    Lesson 4
   Unit 3 Meeting Strangers
    Lesson 5
    Lesson 6
   Unit 4 Seeing Friends
    Lesson 7
    Lesson 8
   Unit 5 Talking about Families
    Lesson 9
    Lesson 10
   Unit 6 Finding the Way
    Lesson 11
    Lesson 12
   Unit 7 Going to the Post Office
    Lesson 13
    Lesson 14
   Unit 8 Going Shopping
    Lesson 15
    Lesson 16
   Unit 9 Seeing the Doctor
    Lesson 17
    Lesson 18
   Unit 10 Short Plays
    Lesson 19
    Lesson 20
   Unit 11 Visiting thc Farm
    Lesson 21
    Lesson 22
   Unit 12 Eating at the Rcstaurant
    Lesson 23
    Lesson 24
   Unit 13 Films and Theatre
    Lesson 25
    Lesson 26
   Unit 14 Enjoying Music
    Lcsson 27
    Lesson 28
   Unit 15 Appreciating Art
    Lesson 29
    Lesson 30
   Unit 16 Going in for Sports
    Lesson 31
    Lesson 32
   Unit 17 Weekends
    Lesson 33
    Lesson 34
   Unit 18 Studying
    Lesson 35
    Lesson 36
   Unit 19 Taking Exams
    Lesson 37
    Lesson 38
   Unit 20 Story
    Lesson 39
    Lesson 40
