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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语特色英语展望未来英语教程:教师用书4 中高级教程(英汉双语简体字版)

展望未来英语教程:教师用书4 中高级教程(英汉双语简体字版)

展望未来英语教程:教师用书4 中高级教程(英汉双语简体字版)

定 价:¥16.00

作 者: 英Madeleine Du Vivier等著;龚龙生改编
出版社: 朗文出版亚洲有限公司
丛编项: 展望未来英语教程系列
标 签: 其他

ISBN: 9787810461764 出版时间: 1996-01-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 26cm 页数: 116 字数:  




暂缺《展望未来英语教程:教师用书4 中高级教程(英汉双语简体字版)》作者简介


Map of Look Ahead Upper Intermediate Students'Book
The course
Why is the Look Ahead course special?
What Ievels does the Longman classroom course cover?
What are the components of the Longman classroom course?
Underlying Principles of the Longman classroom course
Key features
What are the key features of Look Ahead Upper lntermediate Students'Book?
What are the key features of Look Ahead Upper lntermediate Workbook?
What are the key features of Look Ahead Upper lntermediate Teacher's book?
What is recorded on the Class Cassettes?
What is recorded on the Workbook Cassette?
What are the features of the Classroom Videos?
What are the features of the Video Workbook?
Methodology and classroom practice
1 Developing skills
2 Developing reading and listening
3 Developing speaking
4 Developing writing
5 Expanding Vocabulary
6 Presenting new language
7 Handling guided practice
8 The impotrance of pronunciation,stress and intonation
9 Supplementing the coursebook
10 integrating the videos
Lesson Notes
Teacher Developement Tasks
Workbook Answer Key and Tapescript
