PartⅠ:Development,Structure,and Function
1.Overview of the Cardiovascular System
Why do we need a cardiovascular system?
Functions of the cardiovascular system
Heart and circulation
2.Structure and Function of the Heart
Organization of cardiac tissue
Cellular physiology of the heart
The cardiac cycle
Electrical properties of the heart
Control of cardiac output
3.Structure and Function of the System
Organization of teh vessels
Vascular endothelium and smooth muscle
Haemodynamics in arteries and veins
Capillary dynamics and transport of solutes
Lymph and the lymphatic system
4.Control of the Cardiovascular System
Control of blood vessels
Cardiovascular receptors and central control
Regulation of circulation in individual tissues
Coordinated cardiovascular responses
5.The Cardiovascular System in Disease
Shock and haemorrhage
Lipids and teh cardiovascular system
Ischaemic heart disease
Heart failure
Therapeutic interventions in cardiovascular
PartⅡ:Clinical Assessment
6.Taking a History
Tading s history
Common presenting complaints
7.Examination of teh Patient
Observation of teh whole body
The limbs
Peripheral arterial pulses
Head and neck
8.Further Investigations
Investigation of cardiovascular function
Routine investigations
Imaging of the cardiovascular system
PartⅢ:Basic Pathology
9.Pathology of the Heart
Congenital abnormalities of the heart
Ischaemic heart disease
Hypertensive heart disease
Disorders of the heart valves
Diseases of the myocardium
Neoplastic heart disease
Diseases of the pericardium
10.Pathology of the Blood Vessels
Congenital abnormalitise of the vessels
Arteriosclerosis,atherosclerosis,and hypertension
Inflammatory vascular disease
Neoplastic vascular disease
Diseases of the veins and lymphatics
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