[1: Unit l
[lj Passoge What thes rt TOke to ffecome a Succesful Manag'',
[l0j Passage for Re2d1ng Uarning to M9nase
[I3j Unit 2
[i33 Pass9ge Attrihlites of Success
[24j Passage for ReadIng Totel Quality Management
[29j Unit 3
[29j Passage Why LeadershiF Is Important
[37j Passage lOr Reading Mastering Yollrsell
[42j unit 4
[42j Passage The Goal of Financiai Management
[48j Passage for Reading The Agency Prohlem and Control of the Corporation
[53j Unit 5
[53j Passage R''sponsihi1itles fOr the Accounting Cbemunicalion Pra
[61: Passage for Readlng Management Rcspomihiiity and the Demand rOr Anditing
[66j unit 6
[66j Revision (I )
[74j Unit 7
[74j Passage Batic ftpes of foribeconomic Spstem
[82j Passage for Reading Chan8in8 SOcieeconomic Wm
[87j Unit 8
[S7j Passage Ecomlera Srorblngly
[96j Passage fo. Reading
; J
[99j Unit 9
[99j P4s$ape MboN
[106j P#snye forhotsa.
[111]Unit 10
[ 121 j 17Ossnge
[l36j Unit l2
[l26j FfvlslDn
[l43j Unit 13
[143j ],assage The lnl''rnat]on9I Trade Orgunizatioos
[ t48j Passagc
[154j Unit l4 wro the lns(Itutll3nal1z3tioD of
[l54 PAssage From GATT to
[163j Passage for Reading The Birth of W1D
[l68j Unit l5
[168j Passage A Brief History or the InterDationaI System of Paymeuts (I''
[1 77j Passage for Readlng A Brief History
[l80j Unit 16
[18oj Passage Th. thehlee society
[l89j Passage for Read.ng Tbe Cashless Sotiety
[194j Unit l7
[ l943 Passage Physicai and FinanclBi Capitai
[199j Passage for Read:ng Prices and Returm on Equity and Dcht
[205] Unit l8
[2051 Anlsion