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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学生物科学分子生物学精要:英文版



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作 者: (美)George M.Malacinski,(美)David Freifelder著
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 国外生命科学优秀教材
标 签: 医用生物学

ISBN: 9787030103123 出版时间: 2002-04-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 26cm 页数: 532 字数:  


  本书内容设置新颖,有别于国内的任何分子生物学教材,按以下4部分展开:结构、功能、协调及实验操作。其内容和版式已被美国印第安那大学数百名学生选用并几经修订,本书为第三版。适用于生物学专业分子生物学课程教材,为学习高级分子生物学奠定坚实的基础。 Essentials of Molecular Biology is intended to be used for a short first course in molecular biology. The third edition retains the brevity of presentation and emphasis on fundamentals that characterized previous editions and will provide students with the basic fundamentals of molecular biology. The content and format of this book were extensively field tested by hundreds of undergraduate students at Indiana University throughout the revision process.Key concepts are highlighted in each chapter, so that the topics being developed are stated concisely.Factual content has been updated throughout.The text employs the 搇ayering?approach to knowledge construction. Complexity is developed chapter by chapter, rather than presented all at once in a series of detail-laden descriptions.A new chapter has been added to the third edition - "Molecular Biology Is Expanding Its Reach" (Chapter 16)Progression diagrams have been added to most chapters to serve as a "road map" for the student.




Prologue xv
Preface xvii
CHAPTER1 Welcome to Molecular Biology!
PARTI The structure of Proteins, Nucleic Acids,and Macromolecular Complexes
CHAPTER2 Macromolecules
CHAPTER3 Nucleic Acids
CHAPTER4 The Physical Structure of Protein Molecules
CHAPTER5 Macronolecular Interactions and the Structure of Complex Aggregates
PARTII function of Macromolecules
CHAPTER6 The Genetic Material
CHAPTER7 DNA Replication
CHAPTER8 Transcription
CHAPTER9 Transcription
CHAPTER10 Mutations,Mutagenesis,and DNA Repair
PARTIII Coordination of Macromolecular Function in Cells
CHAPTER11 Regulation of Gene Activity in Prokaryotes
CHAPTER12 Bacteriophage
CHAPTER13 Regulation of Gene Activity in Eukaryotes
PARTIV Experimental Manipulation of Macromolecules
CHAPTER14 Plasmids and Transposons
CHAPTER15 Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering:Molecular
CHAPTER16 Molecular Biology Is Expanding Its Reach
APPENDIXX Chenical Principles Important for Understanding Molecular Biology
list of Essential Concepts of Molecular Biology
References for Further Reading
Answers to Questions and Problems
Prologue xv
Preface xvii
CHAPTER1 Welcome to Molecular Biology!
Goals of Molecular Biology
The Early Years
Model Biological Systems
Methodology of Molecular Biology
Rapid Progress in Molecular Biology
Putting the Details of Molecular Biology in Perspective
Concepts of Molecular Biology
Progression Diagram
Rewards from Studying Molecular Biology
PARTⅠ The Structure of Proteins,Mucleic Acids,and Macromolecular Complexes
CHAPTER2 Macromolecules
Chemical Structurds of the Major Classes of Macromolecules
CHAPTER3 Nucleic Acids
CHAPTER4 The Physical Structure of Protein Molecules
CHAPTER5 Macromolecular iNTERACTIONS and the Structure of Complex Aggregates
PARTⅡ Function of Macromolecrules
CHAPTER7 DNA Replication
CHAPTER8 Transcription
CHAPTER9 Translation
CHAPTER10 Mutations,Mutagenesis,and DNA Repair
