第一篇 文献综述和超边际分析及新兴古典经济学的基本方法
1. Specialization and Division of Labour:A Surviy,in K. Arrow,Y-K. Ng,and Xiaokai Ynag eds, Increasing Returns and Economic Analysis,3-63,1998
2. Development,Structural Changes and Urbanization,Journal of Deuelopment Economics,34:199-222,1991
3. Specialization and a New Approach to Economic Organization and Crowth,American Economic Reuiew,82:386-391,1992
第二篇 劳动分工网络,贸易理论和发展经济学
4.Endogeous vs.Exogenous Comparative Advantage and Economies of Specialization vs. Economies of Scale,Journal of Economics,60(1):29-54,1994
5.Specialization and Product Diversity, American Economic Reuiew, 82:392-398,1992
6.A New Theory of Demand and Supply and Emirgence of International Trade from Domestic Trade,Pacific Economic Reuiew,1:215-237,1996
7.A new Theory of Industrialization,Journal of Comparatiue Economics,20:171-189,1995
第三篇 劳动分工网络,企业理论和产权经济学
第四篇 超边际分析及新兴古典经济学在增长理论中的应用