LESSON ONE china customs organizations,functions and tasks
LESSON TWO customs officer and the passengers'baggage examination
LESSON THREE customs supervision and control over imports and exports
LESSON FOUR supervision and control over incoming and outgoing ships
LESSON SIX british customs officers work at ports
LESSON SEVEN peope treatde with diplomatic courtesy
LESSON ELGHT customs duties
LESSON NINE temporary exemption from duty
LESSON TEN bonded warehouses
LESSON ELEVEN fordign-trade zonses
LESSON TWELVE customs unions
LESSON THIPTEEN customs ezternal auditing
LESSON FOURTEEN British customs fight against drug smuggling
LESSON FLFTEEN U.S customs heroin,cogaine seizurse up
LESSON SIXTEEN customs cooperation council(1)
LESSON SEVENTEEN customs cooperation council(2)
LESSON EIGHTEEN The harmonized commodity description and coding syetm
LESSON NINETEEN tariff barriers to trade
LESSON TWENTY non-tariff barriers to trade