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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语特色英语农林英语



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作 者: 教育部《农林英语》教材编写组编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 专门用途英语系列教材
标 签: 农业 林业

ISBN: 9787040096026 出版时间: 2001-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 176 字数:  






Unit 1 Agronomy
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A Crop and Soil Sciences
Passage B What Is the Food and Agriculture
Part II Simulated Writing—Business Letters
Part III Listening and Speaking—Seminar on Agriculture
Unit 2 Animals
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A Endangered Mammals
Passage B Warranty Liability Information
Pan II Simulated Writinnetters of Invitation
Part HI Listening and Speaking—Going Abroad
Unit 3 Forest Resources
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A A"Message"from State Forester
Passage B NewPlantationSpeciesforFutureForests
Part II Simulated Writing—Letter for Enrolling Students
Part III Listening and Speakin—ttending International
Unit 4 Veterinary Mevicine
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A Careers in V—eterinary Medicine
Passage B Licensure to Practice Veterinary
Medicine in the United States
Part II Simulated Writing—Forms
Part III Listening and Speaking—Fairs and Shows
Unit 5 Vegetable Processing
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A Vegetable Factory
Passage B 2nd International Conference on
Rabbit Production in Hot Climates
Part II Simulated Writing—Contribution Wanted
Part III Listening and Speaking—Market ofAgricultural Trade
Unit 6 Plant Protection
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A New Nematicide Meets Integrated
Passage B What Is FERIC?
Part II Simulated Writing—-Curriculum Wtae
Part III Listening and Speaking—Import and Export of
Agricultural Products
Unit 7 Dairy
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A Will Robots Milk Wisconsin DavyCows?
Passage B The News Release
Part II Simulated Writing一Advertisement
Part III Listening and Speaking-Negotiation
Unit 8 Gurvening
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A The PoRed Garden
Passage B RegisteringontheGreenmountWebsite
PartⅡSimulated Writing—Contract
Part Ill Listening and Speaking—Trade Talks
Unit 9 Fokresting
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A IntegratedValue Chain Decision Support
Passage B Forest Fire Control
Part II Simulated Writing—Agreement
Part III Listening and Speaking-Visiting a Farm
Unit 10 Epivenic Diseauses
Part I Reading and Translating
Passage A Unprecedented Outbreaks of Deadly
Livestock Diseases
Passage B The State of Food Insecurity in the World
—When People Live with Hunger and
Fear Starvation
Part II Simulated Writing-Registration Form
Part III Listening and Speaking-Agricultural Science Exchange
