1. A Speaking Role 有发言权的角色
2. The Painting from Memory 记忆画
3. Reconstruction 重新编组
4. The Traditional Service 传统仪式
5. The Vet''s Advice 兽医的建议
6. Skydiving 特技跳伞比赛
7. In the Man''s Outfit 女扮男装
8. The Other Flounder 再上一条鲆鱼
9. Your Peers 与你同等的人
10. The Convict''s Experience 罪犯的经验
11. Your Father Is My Father 你爸爸就是我爸爸
12. Marvellous Prediction 神算
13. Seventeen to Three 17比3通过
14. To Moscow 到莫斯科排队
15. Two Skunks 两只臭鼬
16. To Improve Your Grammar 提高语法17. Crazed with Passion 激情浩荡
18. Baptism 为蝙蝠洗礼
19. It Never Worked 根本没用
20. Who Is This Speaking 请问你是谁
21. You Got It Again 旧病复发
22. With Three Dogs 与狗同行
23. An Effective Way of Losing Weight 有效减肥
24. The Next Student 下一个学生
25. You'' re Absolutely Right 你绝对没错
26. Far Away from Home 离家千里
27. To Get a New Monkey 再换一只猴子
28. I'' II Wake up Ed 叫醒埃德
29. Tired of All His Lies 讨厌他一直说谎
30. Memory School 记忆学校
31. When to Plant Potatoes 何时种土豆
32. The Subject of Speech 演讲的主题
33. Step by Step 步步深入
34. Not So Fast 别跨得那么快
35. To Look for Dad 寻找爸爸36. Because of Not Knowing 因为不认识
37. The Same Pronunciation 发音相
38. We Can Slip Under the Door 能从门下塞进去
39. Revenge 报仇
40. What Do You Think 你说呢
41. What Is Seven Times Seven 7乘以7是多少
42. You''re 20 Years Late 迟到了20年
43. We Can'' t See Australia 我们看不见澳大利亚
44. It Looks Like the Express 出来的像是特快列车
45. In the Swimming Pool 在游泳池里
46. Fine Once He''s Paid for 付款就好
47. The Change of the Objective 转移目标
48. Not a Bit 一点也不
49. Opposites Attracting Each Other 异性相吸
50. You Were the Closest 你最接近
51. Bragging 吹牛
52. My Wife''s Contribution 妻子的功劳
53. I'' ll Risk One Eye 愿赔上一只眼54. What Are the Advantages 优点是什么
55. A Date with a Cat 鼠猫相会
56. I'' ve Got to Get My Teeth 我得把牙取来
57. You Could Try 可以试一下嘛
58. To Marry for Batter or Vice Versa
59. Blended Coffee 调和咖啡
60. Her Fingers Like Lightning Bolts 手指像闪
61. Or 30 Pounds 否则就会有30磅
62. Too Many Outside Activities 外事活动太多
63. On a Pedestal 放在脚踏板上
64. To Pay for the Ambiance 为气氛买单
65. Mother of Pearl 珍珠母
66. To My Room 关进我的房间
67. How Much Do You Want It to Be
68. That Was Before I Tried It 那是我尝试前的价码
69. A Policy 保险单70. A Lousy Haircut 糟糕的理发
71. The Definition of Bachelor 单身汉的定义
72. To Be in Politics Means to Tell Lies
73. Buried in One Grave 合葬
74. We Don''t Live Here 我们不住在这儿
75. Reasoning from Anology 类比推理
76. I'' m Not Superstitious 我不迷信
77. The Ridiculous Hour 荒唐时刻
78. Idiot 白痴
79. Speeding 超速行驶
80. At the Gate of Heaven 天堂门口
81. Never to Be a Father 再也当不成爸爸了
82. Applied Psychology 应用心理学
83. A Modem Artist 现代派画家
84. Confession 忏悔
85. How Can You Be Sure 你怎么敢肯定
86. 500 Times 抄写500
87. To Let My Chauffeur Answer It 让司机回答88. It Certainly Has 太有帮助了
89. I Have My Own Room 我有专用房间
90. What Does That Mean 这意味着什么
91. Misunderstanding 误解
92. Take My Daily Balance Sheet
93. Look! He''s Moving! 瞧! 他在动呢!
94. A Theology Scholar 神学学者
95. Downcast 灰心丧气
96. I''d Know Who to Call 我知道该给谁打电话
97. Name Them 都叫什么名字
98. An Abstract Painting 抽象画
99. To Be a Seventh-Grade Teacher
100. Exploring 探险
101. The Laziest Person 最懒的人
102. What Will Barbie Wear 芭比娃娃穿什么
103. 30 Minutes Slow 慢了30分钟
104. The Bridge of Madison County 廊桥遗梦105. So Is Your Mother 你母亲也是
106. On His Diet 丈夫节食
107. It'' s Only a Penny 不就是1便士嘛
108. Chicken Noodle 鸡汤面条
109. History Repeats Itself 历史会重演
110. Clean Clothes 干净衣服
111. I''m John Wilson 我叫约翰·威尔逊
112. I''ll Use My Iron 我用熨斗做菜
113. You''re Not My Boyfriend 你不是我的男友
114. That Was My Mother''s Wedding
115. With Thistles 带刺的插花
116. Counterattack 反击
117. The Deal 交易
118. A Good Way 良方
119. The Extra Key 备用钥匙
120. The Maze 迷魂阵
121. She Got Hit by a Car 她被汽车撞了一下
122. I Just Wanted You to Know 想让你知道
123. Tactic 策略
124. Competition 竞赛
125. Great Minds Think Alike 英雄所见略同
126. I''man EMT 我是急救医师
127. Yes, You Have 不, 你有过
128. I''m Back Here 我在后边呢
129. Spending the Honeymoon There
130. Do You Have a Bath 你洗澡吗
131. It Listens 它会听
132. An Open-Book Exam 开卷考试
133. An Honest Answer 如实回答
134. What Is Courage 什么是勇气
135. Password 口令
136. For He''s a Jolly Good Fellow
137. It''s a Swimming Pool 那是游泳池
138. My Wife Turns Away 妻子退兵
139. When the Leaves Are Gone
140. On and Off 开开关关
141. He'' ll Miss His Funeral
142. A Foolish Police Officer 愚蠢的警官
143. Another Pilot Disappeared 另一名飞行员失踪
144. Who Was at the Door, Honey
145. Very Slowly 慢慢拔
146. The Alligator Didn''t Wear Shoes
147. I Don''t Want to Argue 不想争论
148. Why Did Lady Liberty Hold a Torch
149. Al Laundry 一流洗衣店
150. Who Is Superior 谁是高手
151. Who Is the Printer 印刷者是谁
152. What Is More Important 什么更重要 153. An Unexpected Harvest 意外收获
154. A Last Resort 绝招
155. You Locked Yourself in the House
156. The Little Black Hen 小黑母鸡
157. The Cause of Losing Fingers 断指的原因
158. Avoid Being Bothered 免被打搅
159. 50 000 People Under Him 手下有五万人
160. Sooner or Later 迟早
161. I'' m Not Married 我还没结婚
162. A Collar-Button in My Soup 汤里有一枚领扣
163. A Correct Answer 回答正确
164. They Are All Dead 他们都死了
165. Waitng for My Secretary 我在等秘书
166. It''s Your Turn to Whistle 该你吹口哨了
167. Not a Word 别说话
168. Is Ink So Expensive 墨水很贵吗
169. I''ll Just Hold Your Hand 我来拉住你的手170. Have You Weighed Your Boy 你称过小孩吗
171. It'' s Not My Fault 不是我的错
172. It Wasn''t There This Morning 今天早上还没有
173. Extra for Shower 加收沐浴费
174. The Reason of Being Sacked 解雇的原因
175. Send forthe Fire Brigade 快去叫消防队
176. So Am I 我也是第一次
177. Divulging the Secret 泄密
178. She'' s the One of Selling Candy 她是卖糖果的
179. The Poet''s House 诗人的房子
180. My Father''s Motto 爸爸的座右铭
181. Confidence 自信
182. You'' ve Changed Your Name, Too
183. Grandma Saw 外婆见过
184. I Was Inside the Coat 我也在里面185. Two Hearts 两颗心脏
186. Two Pronouns 两个代词
187. Till Tomorrow 明天才收到
188. Half the Time 玩一半时间
189. An Alarmist 危言耸听
190. Just for Five Minutes 请等5分钟
191. Is That You, Jack 是你吗,杰克
192. I''m Not Inquisite 我不爱问到底
193. Not at All 一点也不会
194. The Result of Laziness 懒惰的结果
195. What a Beach! 多么大的海滩!
196. There Flies a Dead Duck 飞走的是只死鸭子
197. Where Are the Alps 阿尔卑斯山在哪里
198. You''re Standing on My Foot 你正踩着我的脚
199. I Hope So 我也希望如此
200. I Don''t Want to Risk 不想冒险
201. Put Your Tongue out Again, Will You
再伸出你的舌头了吗 202. I Present Arms! 我要举枪敬礼!
203. I''m George 我是乔治
204. The Sparrows Would Have Heard Me
205. Why Does It Rain on the Road, Too
206. Watching TV in the Ladies'' Room
207. Put the Dog Down 先把我的狗放下
208. What''s That Under Your Hat
209. Because Our Eyes Are Before Ears
因为眼睛在前. 耳朵在后
210. One of Your Chickens Is in Bloom
211. We Have a new Boy Now 又来了个新同学
212. Only Sixteen Chapters 只有16章
213. I Wanted to Get off 我刚才是想下车
214. It''s a Mirror 那是镜子215. Would He Be Able to Attend My Funeral
216. I''m on the Bus 我在公共汽车上
217. I Will Fall Down 我就会掉下来的
218. Woman Is Like the Little Finger 女人像小拇指
219. Married 结过婚的
220. I''ve Come to Install the Phone
221. All by Yourself 一个人站着
222. “Married” Sleeping “已婚”觉
223. One of My Great Regrets 我最大的遗憾
224. The Champion Optimist 世界上最乐观的人
225. I Can Hear the Bird Singing
226. It''s My Painting on the Wall
227. Regret 后悔
228. Put Him in a Slower Group 把他分到慢班229. Won''t the Earth List on That Side
230. Marry Penguin 和企鹅结婚
231. Prediction 未卜先知
232. Main Entrance 正门
233. You Know 不说你也知道
234. Because Your Feet Aren''t Empty
235. A Rookie Police Officer 初出茅庐的警官
236. Farther Away from the Paint Bucket
237. I''m His Second Wife 我就是他的第二个太太
238. My ABC''s 基础知识
239. I Want It in Your Left Arm 请打在你的左臂上
240. Never Mentioning Your Name
241. A Creative Defense 有创见的辩护242. To Believe a Donkey''s Word 宁可相信驴话
243. It''s Rather Unusual 太不寻常了
244. I''m a Divorce Lawyer 我是一名离婚律师
245. To Which End of the Fork Do You Refer
246. Did You Fall off 你掉下来了吗
247. Have You Got a Bronze Girl
248. You May Tell a Falsehood Just As I Did
249. I Brought You Some Rain
250. So Many Acquaintances 熟人太多
251. The Nice-Looking Man 俊男
252. Every Honeymoon 每次蜜月都来
253. We''ll Be All Square 我们都扯平了
254. The Little Girl''s Reply 小女孩的回答
255. Up to the Ducks'' Middles
256. The Name Will Be on the Letters
257. A Nice, Quiet Cow 一头温顺的母牛
258. Where''s My Rolex