BOOK ONB:Youtb and Early Efforts
1、Childhood Tragedy
2、Praemature Questioning of Destiny
3、The Novel Manufactory of Horace de Saint Aubin & Co.
4、Madame de Berny
5、Business Interlude
6、Balzac and Napoleon
BOOK TWO:Balzal at Work
7、The Man of Thirty
8、Black Coffee
9、The Duchesse de Casties
10、Balzac Discovers His Secret
BOOK THREE:Tbe Novel of Balzal’s Life
11、The Unknown
13、Farewell in Vienna
BOOK FOUR:Splendor and Misery of Balzac the Noelist
14、A Year of Disasters
15、The Contessa Guidoboni-Visconti
16、The Second Italian Journey
BOOK FIVE:The Autbor of La comeie bumaine
BOOK SIX:Fulfillment and Finale