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作 者: 孙建中主编
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高职高专新概念教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508412740 出版时间: 2003-01-01 包装: 精装
开本: 24cm 页数: 319 字数:  






Chapter 1  Internet and Web Technology 1                  
 学习指导 1                  
 1.1  Introduction 1                  
 1.2  Computer Networks Basics 2                  
 1.3  Packet Switching and TCP/IP 4                  
 1.4  The Web 7                  
 Chapter 2  Understanding the Internet Economy 10                  
 学习指导 10                  
 2.1  Introduction 10                  
 2.2  Defining the Internet Economy 11                  
 Chapter 3  The Basics of E-Commerce and E-Business 19                  
 学习指导 19                  
 3.1  Origins of Electronic Commerce 19                  
 3.2  Definitions of Electronic Commerce 21                  
 3.3  The Technological Foundations of Contemporary Electronic Commerce 24                  
 Chapter 4  E-Business Models 30                  
 学习指导 30                  
 4.1  Introduction 30                  
 4.2  Storefront Model 30                  
 4.3  Auction Model 32                  
 4.4  Portal Model 33                  
 4.5  Dynamic-Pricing Model 34                  
 4.6  Click-and-Mortar Business 37                  
 Chapter 5  Domain Name Challenges 42                  
 学习指导 42                  
 5.1  What Is A Domain Name? 42                  
 5.2  Protecting Your Corporate Domain Names 43                  
 5.3  Real-Life Corporate Domain Name Problems 44                  
 5.4  Domain Name Challenges and Solutions 45                  
 Chapter 6  ebXML 52                  
 学习指导 52                  
 6.1  An Introduction to ebXML: 52                  
 6.2  ebXML and Web Services: The Way To Do Business 56                  
 Chapter 7  m-Business 62                  
 学习指导 62                  
 7.1  Introduction 62                  
 7.2  Wireless Devices 63                  
 7.3  m-Business 64                  
 7.4  Wireless Internet Access 65                  
 7.5  Wireless Web Technology 66                  
 7.6  Wireless Communications 68                  
 7.7  Future of Wireless Internet 69                  
 Chapter 8  Introduction to Secure e-Commerce 71                  
 学习指导 71                  
 8.1  The Upside 71                  
 8.2  The Downside 73                  
 8.3  E-Commerce Compared with Paper-Based Commerce 76                  
 8.4  Making E-Commerce Secure 77                  
 Chapter 9  Online Monetary Transactions 80                  
 学习指导 80                  
 9.1  Introduction 80                  
 9.2  Credit-Card Transactions 81                  
 9.3  Digital Currency 82                  
 9.4  e-Wallets 83                  
 9.5  Peer-to-Peer Payments 84                  
 9.6  Smart Cards 85                  
 9.7  Micropayments 86                  
 9.8  e-Billing 87                  
 9.9  Developing Payment Standards 89                  
 Chapter 10  e-CRM 94                  
 学习指导 94                  
 10.1  Introduction 94                  
 10.2  Tracking and Analyzing Data 95                  
 10.3  Personalization 98                  
 10.4  Contact Centers 99                  
 10.5  Business-to-Business e-CRM 101                  
 10.6  Complete e-CRM Solutions 102                  
 Chapter 11  E-Business Integration Patterns 104                  
 学习指导 104                  
 11.1  What Are Integration Patterns? 104                  
 11.2  Database Replication 105                  
 11.3  Single-Step Application Integration 107                  
 11.4  Multi-Step Application Integration 108                  
 11.5  Brokering Application 109                  
 11.6  Application-to-Application B2Bi 110                  
 11.7  Data Exchange B2Bi 112                  
 Chapter 12  ABCs of B2C E-Commerce 115                  
 学习指导 115                  
 12.1  What is B2C E-commerce? 115                  
 12.2  What is the difference between B2C and B2B e-commerce? 115                  
 12.3  Why was there so much hype surrounding B2C e-commerce? 116                  
 12.4  Is B2C commerce really dead? 116                  
 12.5  How should companies organize their B2C initiative? 117                  
 12.6  What are the major challenges of B2C e-commerce? 117                  
 12.7  What is channel conflict and how can I avoid it? 118                  
 12.8  Can I make a profit through B2C e-commerce? 118                  
 Chapter 13  B2B E-Commerce 123                  
 学习指导 123                  
 13.1  The ABCs of B2B E-commerce 123                  
 13.2  Business-to-Business Markets 124                  
 Chapter 14  Logistics 134                  
 学习指导 134                  
 14.1  The CLM Definition of Logistics 134                  
 14.2  E-Logistics: Delivering the Goods in E-Commerce 136                  
 Chapter 15  Internet Marketing Basics 141                  
 学习指导 141                  
 15.1  The Internet As A Communications Tool 141                  
 15.2  Roles of Direct Marketing and Relationship Marketing 142                  
 15.3  E-Mail Marketing 146                  
 Chapter 16  Creating an Integrated E-commerce Strategy 153                  
 学习指导 153                  
 16.1  Seven Dimensions of an E-commerce Strategy 153                  
 16.2  Bonds of an E-commerce Strategy 155                  
 Chapter 17  Avoiding Legal Issues 164                  
 学习指导 164                  
 17.1  Global Contracts 164                  
 17.2  The Web Site 167                  
 Chapter 18  Internet Taxation 173                  
 学习指导 173                  
 18.1  Internet Taxation 173                  
 18.2  Introduction to Internet Tax Freedom Act 175                  
 18.3  Introduction to International Taxation of E-Commerce 179                  
 Chapter 19  Introduction To Web-Based Management 183                  
 学习指导 183                  
 19.1  Evolving Trends In Enterprise Computing 183                  
 19.2  THE ALLURE OF WEB-BASED MANAGEMENT 188                  
 Chapter 20  E-commerce: Opportunities and Challenges for China's 21st                  
 Century Economy 193                  
 学习指导 193                  
 20.1  E-commerce: Decisive Factor for China's Future Economic Heft 193                  
 20.2  China Focusing on Infrastructure for E-Commerce 196                  
 20.3  China Urges Better Legislation on E-commerce 197                  
 20.4  UNCTAD Report: E-Commerce in China Promising 198                  
 Answers 207                  
 参考资料 218                  
 参考译文 220                  
 第1章  因特网和网络技术 220                  
 第2章  理解网络经济 223                  
 第3章  电子商务基础 227                  
 第4章  电子商业模型 231                  
 第5章  域名的挑战 236                  
 第6章  ebXML(电子商务扩展标记语言) 240                  
 第7章  移动电子商务 245                  
 第8章  电子商务安全介绍 249                  
 第9章  在线货币交易 253                  
 第10章  电子客户关系管理(e-CRM) 257                  
 第11章  电子商业集成模式 261                  
 第12章  企业对消费者电子商务 266                  
 第13章  企业间电子商务基础 268                  
 第14章  物流 272                  
 第15章  互联网营销基础 274                  
 第16章  建立一个完整的电子商务策略 278                  
 第17章  避免法律问题 281                  
 第18章  因特网纳税 285                  
 第19章  基于网络的管理介绍 290                  
 第20章  电子商务:21世纪中国经济的机遇与挑战 294                  
 Appendix A  电子商务专业英语词汇的构成 299                  
 A.1  派生词(derivation) 299                  
 A.2  复合词(compounding) 300                  
 A.3  混成词(blending) 302                  
 A.4  缩略词(shortening) 302                  
 A.5  借用词 304                  
 A.6  网络操作专用缩略语 304                  
 Appendix B  电子商务英语常用词汇(Glossary) 306                  
