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作 者: 杨雅〓[等]编著
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪农业科学专业英语
标 签: 农业工程


ISBN: 9787810732864 出版时间: 2003-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 402页 字数:  






Unit 1
Part A Water resources of the world
Part B What causes flooding
Unit 2
Part A Reservoirs and dams
Part B Dams and development—an insight to the report of world commission on dams
Unit 3
Part A Hydroelectric power
Part B Pumps and Pumping
Unit 4
Part A Underground water
Part B The runoff cycle
Unit 5
Part A Water pollution and pollutants
Part B U.S.Wastewater treatment--past and present
Unit 6
Part A Modem buildings and structural materials
Part B Bridges
Unit 7
Part A Soil erosion and soll conservation
Part B Soll Conservation Issues on the United States
Unit 8
Part A Engineering economy in water-reourees planning(I)
Part B Engineering economy in water.resources planning(II)
Unit 9
 Part A Hydrology
 Part B Current problems of stochastic hydrology
Unit 10
 Part A Summary of EIA
 Part B Inadequacies in current methods for environmental assessment
Unit 11
 Part A Irrigation methods
Part t3 RDI--the new technique of water saving irrigation management in China
Unit 12
Part A Evaporation
Part B Evaporation model of lake Qaroun as influenced by lake salinity
Unit 13
Part A 21 Century's water saving in agriculture of Beijing
Part B The research and application of plastic pipe in infiltration irrigation
Unit 14
Part A Methods of applications of drip irrigation system
Part B Drip irrigation technology and state western area development strategy
Unit 15
Part A Water use efficiency of grain crops on irrigated fields in China
Part B Cumulative function of water sensitivity index for rice and its variation with hydrological years
Unit 16
 Part A Some topics on developing water-saving
Unit 7
Unit 8
Key to exercises
