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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学肿瘤学癌症基因治疗学:英文版



定 价:¥119.00

作 者: Edmundc. Lattime著
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
丛编项: 英文原版
标 签: 肿瘤学

ISBN: 9787117051057 出版时间: 2002-10-01 包装: 精装
开本: 29cm 页数: 0页 字数:  






partⅠ vectors for gene therapr of cancer
1.retroviral vector design for cancer gene therapy
2.noninfections gene transfer and expression systems for cancer gene therapy
3.parvovirus vectors for the gene therapy of cancer
4.antibody-targeted gene therapy
5.ribozymes in cancer gene therapy
6.the advent of lentiviral vectors:prospects for cancer therapy
part Ⅱ immune targetied gene therapy
7.immunologic targets for the gene therapy of cancer
part Ⅱa vaccine strategies
8.development of eqitope-specific immunotherapies for human malignancies and premalignant lesions expressing mutated ras genes
part Ⅱb dendritic cell-based gene therapy
9.introduction to dendritic cells
10.dna and dendritic cell-based genetic immunization against cancer
11.rna-transfected dendritic cells as immunogens
part Ⅱc cytokines and co-factors
12.in situ immune modulation using recombinatnt vaccinia virus vectors:preclinical studies to clinical implementation
13.the use of particle-mediated gene transfer of immunotherapy of cance
part Ⅱd genetically modified effector cells for immune-based immunotherapy
14.applications of gene transfer in the adoptive immunotherapy of cancer
15.update on the use of genetically modified hematoppietic stem cells for cancer therapy
part Ⅲ oncogene-targeted gene therapy
16.clinical applications of tumor-suppressor gene therapy
17.cancer gene therapy with tumor supperssor genes involved in cell-cycle control
18.cancer gene therapy with the p53 tumor suppressor gene
19.antisense downregulation of the apoptosis-related bcl-2and bcl-xl proteins:a new approach to cancer therapy
20.gene therpy for chronic myelogenous leukemia
part Ⅳ manulation of drug resistance mechanisms by gene therary
part Ⅴ anti-aniogenesis and pro-aportotic gene therapy
part Ⅵ prodrug activation strategies for gene therapy of cancer
