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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学生物科学分子生物学:第2版



定 价:¥40.00

作 者: 英P.C.Turner等著
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 精要速览系列 先锋版
标 签: 医用生物学


ISBN: 9787030109590 出版时间: 2003-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 24cm 页数: 346 字数:  


  “精要速览系列(Instant Notes Series)”是国外教材“Best Seller”榜的上榜教材。该系列结构新颖,视角独特;重点明确,脉络分明;图表简明清晰;英文自然易懂,被国内多所重点院校选用作为双语教材。先锋版是继“现代生物学精要速览”之后推出的跨学科的升级版本。本书是该系列中的《分子生物学(第二版)》分册,全书共19章。新版在原版的基础上内容进行了全面调整和扩充,增加了若干新专题,如中心法则、细胞周期和细胞凋亡等,书后并附有练习题。本书是指导大学生快速掌握分子生物学基础知识的优秀教材,也是辅助教师授课的极佳教学参考书,同时可供生命科学相关专业的研究生参考。




Preface to the second edition
Preface to the first edition
Section A-Cells and macromolecules
A1 Cellular classification
A2 Subcellular organelles
A3 Macromolecules
A4 Large macromolecular assemblies
Section B-Protein structure
B1 Amino acids
B2 Protein structure and function
B3 Protein anslysis
Section C-Properties of nucleic acids
C1 Nucleic acid structure
C2 Chemical and physical properties of nucleic acids
C3 Spectroscopic and thermal properties of nucleic acids
C4 DNA supercoiling
Section D-Prodaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome structure
D1 Prokaryotic chromosome structure
D2 Chromatin structure
D3 Eukaryotic chromosome structure
D4 Genome complexity
D5 The flow of genetic information
Section E-DNA replication
E1 DAN replication:an overview
E2 Bacterial DNA replication
E3 The cell cycle
E4 Eukaryotic DNA replication
Section F-DNA damage,repair and recombination
F1 Mutagenesis
F2 DNA damage
F3 DNA repair
F4 Recombination
Section G-Gene manipulation
G1 DNA cloning:an overview
G2 Preparation of plasmid DNA
G3 Restriction enzymes and electrophoresis
G4 Ligation,transformation and analysis of recombinants
Section H-Cloning vectors
H1 Design of plasmid vectors
H2 Bacteriophage vectors
H3 Cosmids,YACs and BACs
H4 Eukaryotic vectors
Section I-Gene libraries and scrreening
I1 Genomic libraries
I2 cDNA libraries
I3 Screening procedures
Section J-Analysis and uses of cloned DNA
J1 Characterization of clones
J2 Nucleic acid sequencing
J3 Polymerase chain reaction
J4 Organization of cloned genes
J5 Mutagenesis of cloned genes
J6 Applications of cloning
Section K-Transcription in prokaryotes
K1 Basic principles of transcription
K2 Escherichia coli RNA polymerase
K3 The E.coliσpromoter
K4 Transcription,initiation,elongation and termination
Section L-Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes
L1 The lac operon
L2 The trp operon
L3 Transcriptional regualation by alternative σfactors
Section M-Transcription in eukaryotes
M1 The three RNA polymerases:characterization and function
M2 RNA Pol Ⅰ genes:the ribosomal repeat
M3 RNA Pol Ⅲ genes:5S and tRNA transcription
M4 RNA Pol Ⅱ genes:promoters and enhancers
M5 General transcription factors and RNA Pol Ⅱ initiation
Section N-Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes
N1 Eukaryotic transcription factors
N2 Examples of transcriptional regulation
Section O-RNA processing and RNPs
O1 rRNA processing and ribosomes
O2 tRNA processing,RNase P and ribozymes
O3 mRNA processing,hnRNPs and snRNPs
O4 Alternative mRNA processing
Section P-The genetic code and tRNA
P1 The genetic code
P2 tRNA structure and function
Section Q-Protein synthesis
Q1 Aspects of protein synthesis
Q2 Mechanism of protein synthesis
Q3 Initiation in eukaryotes
Q4 Translational control and post-translational evenrts
Section R-Bacteriophages and eukaryotic viruses
R1 Introduction to viruses
R2 Bacteriophages
R3 DNA viruses
R4 RNA viruses
Section S-Tumor viruses and oncogenes
S1 Oncogenes found in tumor viruses
S2 Categories of oncogenes
S3 Tumor suppressor genes
S4 Apoptosis
Further reading
Multiple choice questions
