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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读英语迷津:相似词语辨析



定 价:¥15.80

作 者: 卢思源编著
出版社: 商务印书馆国际有限公司
丛编项: 当代英语
标 签: 英语


ISBN: 9787801031211 出版时间: 1996-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 331页 字数:  




  卢思源,广东中山人。英国语言文学教授。1956年毕业于复旦大学外文系英国语言文学专业。现任华东工业大学外语学院院长、上海市外文学会常务副会长、上海市科技翻译学会理事长、上海市社会科学学会联合会委员、上海大学外语学院顾问教授、世界外语导学中心名誉顾问等职。主要著述有:《英语陷阱——难句句式精解》(香港商务印书馆,1993年)、《英语短语动词用法词典》(主编,香港商务印书馆,1986年)、《英语联想和搭配词典》(与陆国强教授合著,香港商务印书馆,1989年)、(科技英语常用词语用法词典》(主编,上海外语教育出版社,1989年)、《大学生英汉词汇手册》(主编,福建人民出版社,1988年)、《工程师英语》(主编,中央电视大学出版社,1993年)、Fix-it-yoursef,Manual(主审,美国《读者文摘》远东分公司,1984年)、HousePlants(主审,美国《读者文摘》远东分公司,1985年)、《大学英语专业阅读精选系列教材》(六册,总主审,上海外语教育出版社,1994-1996年)、English for ForeignTrade in Mechanical and Electrical Industry(主审,上海科学技术文献出版社,1993年)、《大学生实用英汉词典》(主审,同济大学出版社,1996年)、New College English(主审,上海科学出版社,1996年)及Shanghais Journeyto Prosperity-from 1842 to 1949(主审,香港商务印书馆,1996年)。发表有:“EST as I See It”、“On the Rela.tion of Translatology to Grammar,Rhetoric,Semantics,Pragmatics and Other Linguistic Sciences”、“Subordination and Translation"、“Observations on theRendition of Chinese Poems”、《英语的附加语、外加语和联加语》、《形合与意合》、《要动态对等,不要形式对应》等五十多篇论文。


1 a·one
2 a great deal·a great many
3 a number of·the number of
4 above·over
5 accident·incident
6 act·action
7 addressee·addresser
8 adventure·venture
9 ago·before
10 affect·effect
11 agree to·agree with
12 almost·nearly
13 already·all ready
14 always·often
15 always·all ways
16 anyone·any one
17 apiece·a piece
18 Arab·Arabian·Arabic
19 arrive at·arrive in
20 as·like
21 as far as·so far as
22 as fast as·as soon as
23 as it was·as it were
24 assure·ensure·insure
25 at·in·on
26 at a distance·from a distance·in the distance
27 at hand·by hand·in hand·on hand·to hand
28 at present·for the present
29 at table·at the table
30 at the same time·in the same time
31 attend the meeting·attend to the meeting
32 awake" awaken" wake" waken
33 avocation·vocation
34 baggage·luggage
35 base·basis
36 because·for
37 before long·long before
38 behind time·behind the times
39 beside·besides
40 besides·except
41 between·among
42 blackboard·black board
43 born·borne
44 brothers·brethren
45 burned·burnt
46 by one oclock·till one oclock
47 can·be able to
48 can·may
49 cannot do it·cannot but do it
50 Catholic·catholic
51 childish·childlike
52 Chinas·Chinese
53 clean·cleanly
54 cloth·clothe·clothes
55 compare to·compare with
56 continual·continuous
57 corl? corpse
58 cost·price
59 council·counsel
60 cupfuis·cups full
61 day and night·night and day
62 deep·deeply
63 definite·definitive
64 difference·differentiation
65 different·differing
66 direct·directly
67 disinterested·uninterested
68 drink·drinking
69 each other·one another
70 economic·economical
71 educational·educative
72 electric·electrical
73 emergence·emergency
74 encouraged·encouraging
75 enough·sufficient
76 especially·specially
77 everyday·every day
78 except·excepting
79 excited·exciting
80 ex-schoolmaster·late schoolmaster
81 fairly·rather
82 farther·further
83 few·a few
84 fewer·less
85 for a moment·for the moment·in a moment
86 forget to lock the door·forget locking the door
87 fruit·fruits
88 gold·golden
89 had rather·would rather
90 hard·hardly
91 have to·must
92 Have you seen this film?. Did you see this film?
93 He has been wired for from home? He has been wired to from home
94 He is sorry·He is a sorry fellow
95 healthful·healthy
96 hear·hear of
97 hear·listen
98 high·highly
99 high·tall
100 historic·historical
101 holiday·vacation
102 how·what
103 How are you?·How do you do?? How do you feel?
104 however·how ever
105 Im late, am I not?·Im late, aint I?? Im late, arent I?
106 I have my hair cut·I have cut my hair
107 imaginary·imaginative
108 in a word·in word
109 in an hour·after an hour
110 in case of·in the ease of
111 in the way·on the way·by the way
112 in time·on time
113 in view of·with a view to·with the view of
114 inhuman·unhuman
115 interested·interesting
116 invalid" invalid" invaqid
117 its·its
118 just·just now
119 kind·kindly
120 late·lately
121 learn·study
