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定 价:¥7.90

作 者: (美)罗伯特·L.海尔布罗纳(Robert L.Heilbroner)著;蔡受百等译
出版社: 商务印书馆
标 签: 经济学家 经济思想史

ISBN: 9787100008815 出版时间: 1994-07-01 包装:
开本: 20cm 页数: 305页 字数:  




  Robert L. Heilbroner (1919- ) is the Norman Thomas Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research. He has two children and currently resides in New York City. Heilbroner graduated summa cum laude from Harvard in 1940 with a degree in history, government, and economics, and worked briefly for the Office of Price Administration. After service in the Army during World War II, he took a job as a business economist with a large commodity-trading house. However, he soon decided that he liked writing more than office work and took a year's leave. He never went back to business.For two decades, thousands of instructors have used The Worldly Philosophers as an introduction to the lives and thoughts of the great economists. Sales of all editions of this book have been estimated at approximately two million. The combined sales of all the economics books written by Heilbroner, counting joint authorships, may make him the top-selling economics authors of all time. In his writing Heilbroner brings an economic point of view to social and political problems.


