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定 价:¥73.00

作 者: (美)O.莱文斯皮尔原著
出版社: 晓园出版社;世界图书出版公司
丛编项: Applied Mathematical Sciences
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787506214711 出版时间: 1993-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 266页 字数:  






    Introduction: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
    1.0. Existence and Uniqueness ofSolutions
    1.1. The Linear System x = Ax
    1.2. Flows and Invariant Subspaces
    1.3. The Nonlinear System x = f(x)
    1.4. Linear and Nonlinear Maps
    1.5. Closed Orbits. Poincare Maps and Forced Oscillations
    1.6. Asymptotic Behavior
    1.7. Equivalence Relations and Structural Stability
    1.8. Two-Dimensional Flows
    1.9. Peixoto's Theorem for Two-Dimensional Flows
    An Introduction to Chaos: Four Examples
    2.1. Van der Pol's Equation
    2.2. Duffing's Equation
    2.3. The Lorenz Equations
    2.4. The Dynamics ofa Bouncing Ball
    2.5. Conclusions: The Moral ofthe Tales
    Local Bifurcations
    3.1. Bifurcation Problems
    3.2. Center Manifolds
    3.3. Normal Forms
    3.4. Codimension One Bifurcations of Equilibria
    3.5. Codimension One Bifurcations ofMaps and Periodic Orbits
    Averaging and Perturbation from a Geometric Viewpoint
    4.1. Averaging and Poincare Maps
    4.2. Examples of Averaging
    4.3. Averaging and Local Bifureations
    4.4. Averaging, Hamiltonian Systems, and Global Behavior:
    Cautionary Notes
    4.5. Melnikov's Method: Perturbations ofPlanar Homoclinic Orbits
    4.6. Melnikov's Method: Perturbations of Hamiltonian Systems and
    Subharmonic Orbits
    4.7. Stability of Subharmonic Orbits
    4.8. Two Degree of Freedom Hamiltonians and Area Preserving Maps
    of the Plane
    Hyperbolic Sets, Symbolic Dynamics, and Strange Attractors
    5.0. Introduction
    5.1. The Smale Horseshoe: An Example ofa Hyperbolic Limit Set
    5.2. Invariant Sets and Hyperbolicity
    5.3. Markov Partitions and Symbolic Dynamics
    5.4. Strange Attractors and the Stability Dogma
    5.5. Structurally Stable Attractors
    5.6. One-Dimensional Evidence for Strange Attractors
    5.7. The Geometric Lorenz Attractor
    5.8. Statistical Propenies: Dimension. Entropy and Liapunov Exponents
    Global Bifurcations
    6.1. Saddle Connections
    6.2. Rotation Numbers
    6.3. Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Maps
    6.4. The Lorenz Bifurcations
    6.5. Homoclinic Orbits in Three-Dimensional Flows: Silnikov's Example
    6.6. Homoclinic Bifurcations of Periodic Orbits
    6.7. Wild Hyperbolic Sets
    6.8. Renormalization and Universality
    Local Codimension Two Bifurcations of Flows
    7.1. Degeneracy in Higher-Order Terms
    7.2. A Note on k-Sels and Determinacy
    7.3. The Double Zero Eigenvalue
    7.4. A Pure Imaginary Pair and a Simple Zero Eigenvalue
    7.5. Two Pure Imaginary Pairs of Eigenvalues without Resonance
    7.6. Applications to Large Systems
    Suggestions for Further Reading
    Postscript Added at Second Printing
