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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术自然科学生物科学自由基生命科学进展(第5集)



定 价:¥14.50

作 者: 郑荣梁主编
出版社: 原子能出版社
标 签: 游离基


ISBN: 9787502217891 出版时间: 1997-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 132 字数:  






   Preliminary Suggestion for the Application of Free Radical Biology and Medicine on
   Health Care
   Nitric Oxide in Biological System and Its Estimation
   Oxidative Stress is One Kind of Signal Mechanisms for Apoptosis
   Novel Antioxidant Action of Dibenzo[a.c] cyclooctadiene Derivatives from
   Fructus Schisandrae (Wuweizi)
   Current Situation and Perspective of Antioxidants from Ocean Living Things
   Pulse Radiolysis-A Fast Kinetics Method for Studying Free Radical Reactions
   The Current Status and Developing Tendency of Antitumor Metal Complexes
   Studies on Antioxidative, Antitumor Activity and Effect on T.B cells Proliferation of
   Copper (II ) Complex with 8-Acetyl-4-Methyl Umbelliferone
   The Chemiluminescent Technology for Determination Active Oxygen Species,Free
   Radicals and Lipid Peroxidation
   ESR Spectral Studies on Scavenging Effects of Total Flavonoids of Astragalus on
   Free Radicals
   Studies on the Free Radicals of Cultured Bezoar
   The Regulation on Cell Proliferation and Differentiation by Reactive Oxygen Species
   Practical Techniques to Measure Reactive Oxygen Species and Lipid Peroxidation
   in Spermatozoa
   Apoptosis.Transcription Factor NF-kB and Oxidative Stress
   Measurements of EPR Signal and Protein Thiols in Lesions of Human Uterine Cervix
   Protective Effects of Several Kinds of Flavonoids to DNA Damage
   Produced by Hydroxyl Free Radical
   Study on the Effect of Fenvalerate on Oxidative Toxicity and Modifying Effect by
   The Preliminary Study on Serum Cupperzinc-Superoxide Dismutase Levels in
   Workers Exposed to Carbon Disulfide
   Effects of Pretreatment with Sodium Arsenite on Lipid Peroxidation of Brain or
   Liver Homogenate in Rats
   Studies on the Relationship Between Free Radical and Silicosis,Lung Disease
   Cardiovascular Disease---A Method to Predict High Risk Group of Patients
   by Trace Elements in Human Hair
   Lipid Peroxides Produced by Chrysotile Fibres among Exposed Female Workers and
   in Rat Lung Macrophages
   Antioxidant Enzymes in Patients with Occupational Chronic Trinitrotoluene Poisoning
   Antioxidant Enzymes in Workers Exposed to Radiofrequency EIectromagnetic Field
