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定 价:¥13.00

作 者: 王守廉主编
出版社: 天津大学出版社
标 签: 英语 阅读教学


ISBN: 9787561804070 出版时间: 1992-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 226页 字数:  






Unit 1 Text A Galileo and Aristotle Text B SchweitzerUnit 2 Text A Life in the Universe Text B Black HolesUnit 3 Text A Young and in Love Text B A Kindness ReturnedUnit 4 Text A The Other Woman in My Life Text B Mama and the RoomerUnit 5 Text A Charles Darwin Text B The Long Chain of Evolution

Unit 1 Text A  Galileo and Aristotle Text B  SchweitzerUnit 2 Text A  Life in the Universe Text B  Black HolesUnit 3 Text A  Young and in Love Text B  A Kindness ReturnedUnit 4 Text A  The Other Woman in My Life Text B  Mama and the RoomerUnit 5 Text A  Charles Darwin Text B  The Long Chain of EvolutionUnit 6 Text A  Should the Navy Draft Dolphins? Text B  A Lesson from NatureUnit 7 Text A  Health Food Text B  Dried FoodRevision IUnit 8 Text A  A Good Heart to Lean on Text B  Becoming a Better PersonUnit 9 Text A  A Television Production Text B  How Do the Movie Do itUnit 10 Text A  A Letter from an Editor Text B  After a Visit to CanadaUnit 11 Text A  Albert Einstein Text B  Madame Curie and RadiumUnit 12  Text A  Never Say Good-bye  Text B  The Man on the TrainUnit 13  Text A  Computers  Text B  The Most Powerful Computer in the UniverseUnit 14  Text A  Aggression in Humans and Animals  Text B  A Wing and a PrayerUnit 15  Text A  Tost-tube Babies  Text B  Biological ClocksRevisionGlossary
