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定 价:¥9.00

作 者: 诸葛霖,王小山,夏赛花编著
出版社: 对外贸易教育出版社
丛编项: 对外经贸英语读物丛书
标 签: 国际贸易 贸易合同 英语

ISBN: 9787810006903 出版时间: 1994-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 19cm 页数: 260 字数:  


  本书收集了很多条款实例, 每页都配有中文注释。




   1 The Applicable Laws for (nternational Sales
    Commercial Laws- The UN Convention on Contracts for
    International Sales of Goods-Scope of the Convention
    On written contract-Important issues beyond the CISG
    provisions-The Foreign Economic Contract Law of the
    People' s Republic of China-On applicable law-Breach
    and remedies-Settlement of disputes
   2 Basic Concept of International Sales
    Contract-What is a contract-Enforceability-Agreement
    International Sales Contract-International character
    Sales contract-Different forms of sales contract in inter-
    national trade-Contents of sales contract
   3 Formation of Contract
    Offer-Definition of an offer-Validity time of offer-With-
    drawal of offer-Revocation of offer-Termination of offer
    Chinese trading practices-Acceptance-Definition of ac-
    ceptance-Revision of an offer-Late acceptance-Time of
    formation of a contract
   4 Performance of Contract
    The Responsibilities of the Seller To deliver the goods-
    To hand over the documents relating to the goods-To-
    transfer the Property to the goods-Responsibilities of
    the Buyer-To pay the price-To take delivery of the
   5 Remedies for Breach of Contract
    The Three Remedies-Remedies for Breach of Contract
    by the Seller-Remedies for seller' s refusal or delay to
    deliver the goods-Remedies for seller' s delivery of
    goods which do not conform with the contract-Reme-
    dies for Breach of Contract by the Buyer-To require the
    buyer to perform his obligations-To claim damages-To
    declare the contract avoided
   6 Export And Import Procedures In China
    Export Procedures-Preparing goods as required under
    the contract-Examining and amending the L/C-Char-
    tering proper means of transportation-Documentation
    and getting paid-Import Procedures-To establish an L/
    C with a bank-To make shipping arrangement-To ef-
    fect insurance-To pay the price and get the title to the
    goods-To take delivery of the goods and clear the goods
    from the Customs
    Contents of International Sales contract
   7 Preamble
    Opening paragragh-Diversity of wording
   8 Object of Contract
    Commodity description-Quality-Samples-Specifications
    Flexibility in quality-Major and minor points
   9 Quantity and Packing
    Different weight and measure systems-Various kinds of
    weight-More or less clause-Packing specifications-An
    important condition
   10 Price
    Varieties of export price-How to choose proper trade
    terms-Varients of CIF terms-Quoting export price-Es-
    calation clause-Commission and discount-Open price
    Price of a complete plant
   11 Delivery
    Delivery and shipment-Time of shipment-Time of ar-
    rival-Shipping arrangements-Seller' s responsibility In-
    surance arrangement-Special commodities-Transfer of
    title-Frozen ports-Destination in a land-locked country
    Optional destinations
   12 Payment
    Banker' s credit-Exporter' s draft-Kinds of credit-Pay-
    ment on collection basis-How to protect seller' s interest
   13 Inspection
    Right of inspection-Independent public surveyor-When
    and where to make inspection-Inspection clause-Price
    adjustmant-Inspection and certification-Buyer' s accep-
   14 Erection,Test-run and Operation
    Import of complete plant-Test-run and operation
   15 Force Majeure
    Definition of Force Majeure-Force Majeure clause
   16 Warranty and Remedy
    Warranty clause-How to make remedy-Need for limita-
    tions-Resort to litigation-Penalty-Patent right
   17 Arbitration,Taxes and Other Provisions
    Significance of arbitration-Place of arbitration-Be
   Appendix: Contract
