Course Materials
Course Outline
Microsoft Official Curriculum
Microsoft Certified Professional Program
Module 1: SQL Server Overview
What Is SQL Server?
SQL Server Integration
SQL Server Databases
SQL Server Security
Working with SQL Server
Lab A: SQL Server Overview
Module 2: Overview of Programming SQL Server
Designing Enterprise Application Architecture
SQL Server Programming Tools
The Transact-SQL Programming Language
Elements of Transact-SQL
Additional Language Elements
Ways to Execute Transact-SQL Statements
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Overview of Transact-SQL
Module 3: Creating and Managing Databases
Creating Databases
Creating Filegroups
Managing Databases
Introduction to Data Structures
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Creating and Managing Databases
Module 4: Creating Data Types and Tables
Creating Data Types
Creating Tables
Generating Column Values
Generating Scripts
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Creating Data Types and Tables
Module 5: Implementing Data Integrity
Types of Data Integrity
Enforcing Data Integrity
Defining Constraints
Types of Constraints
Disabling Constraints
Using Defaults and Rules
Deciding Which Enforcement Method to Use
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Implementing Data Integrity
Module 6: Planning Indexes
Introduction to Indexes
Index Architecture
How SQL Server Retrieves Stored Data
How SQL Server Maintains Index and Heap Structures
Deciding Which Columns to Index
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Determining the Indexes of a Table
Module 7: Creating and Maintaining Indexes
Creating Indexes
Creating Index Options
Maintaining Indexes
Lab A: Creating and Maintaining Indexes
Introduction to Statistics
Querying the sysindexes Table
Setting UP Indexes Using the Index Tuning Wizard
Performance Considerations
Recommended Practices
Lab B: Viewing Index Statistics
Module 8: Implementing Views
Introduction to Views
Advantages of Views
Defining Views
Modifying Data Through Views,
Optimizing Performance by Using Views
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Implementing Views
Module 9: Implementing Stored Procedures
Introduction to Stored Procedures
Creating, Executing, Modifying, and Dropping Stored Procedures
Lab A: Creating Stored Procedures
Using Parameters in Stored Procedures
Executing Extended Stored Procedures
Handling Error Messages
Performance Considerations
Recommended Practices
Lab B' Creating Stored Procedures Using Parameters
Module 10: Implementing User-defined Functions
What Is a User-defined Function?
Defining User-defined Functions
Examples of User-defined Functions
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Creating User-defined Functions
Module 11: Implementing Triggers
Introduction to Triggers
Defining Triggers
How Triggers Work
Examples of Triggers
Performance Considerations
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Creating Triggers
Module 12: Programming Across Multiple Servers
Introduction to Distributed Queries
Executing an Ad Hoc Query on a Remote Data Source
Setting Up a Linked Server Environment
Executing a Query on a Linked Server
Executing a Stored Procedure on a Linked Server
Managing Distributed Transactions
Modifying Data on a Linked Server
Using Partitioned Views
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Using Distributed Data
Module 13: Optimizing Query Performance
Introduction to the Query Optimizer
Obtaining Execution Plan Information
Using an Index to Cover a Query
Indexing Strategies
Overriding the Query Optimizer
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Optimizing Query Performance
Module 14: Analyzing Queries
Queries That Use the AND Operator
Queries That Use the OR Operator
Lab A: Analyzing Queries That Use the AND and OR Operators
Queries That Use Join Operations
Lab B: Analyzing Queries That Use Different Join Strategies
Recommended Practices
Module 15: Managing Transactions and Locks
Introduction to Transactions and Locks
Managing Transactions
SQL Server Locking
Managing Locks
Recommended Practices
Lab A: Managing Transactions and Locks
Classroom Setup Guide
Classroom Requirements
Classroom Configuration
Setup Instructions
Automated Classroom Setup
Classroom Setup Checklist
Customization Information