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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语医学检验专业英语



定 价:¥12.50

作 者: 刘芳主编
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
标 签: 专业英语

ISBN: 9787307038066 出版时间: 2003-02-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 20cm 页数: 266 字数:  






ChapterⅠ Introduction to the Profession
  Lesson 1 History of the Education of Clinical Laboratory Personnel
  Lesson 2 Professionals within the Clinical Laboratory
  Lesson 3 Clinical Disciplines in the Hospital Laboratory
  Lesson 4 Places of Employment
  ChapterⅡ Introduction to Medical Terminology
  Lesson 1 Medical Terminology
  Lesson 2 Exercises in Constructing Medical Terms
  ChapterⅢ Disciplines in Laboratory Medicine
  Lesson 1 Hematology
  Lesson 2 Micfobiology
  Lesson 3 Clinical Chemistry
  Lesson 4 Urinalysis
  Lesson 5 Immunohematology
  Lesson 6 Immunology
  ChapterⅣ Laboratory Mathematics
  Lesson 1 measurement Systems
  Lesson 2 Solutions and Dilutions
  Lesson 3 Expressions of Concentration
  Lesson 4 pH and Acid-Base Relationship
  Lesson 5 Photometry
  Lesson 6 Basic Statistics
  ChapterⅤ Laboratory Technology
  Lesson 1 Grams Method
  Lesson 2 Tumor Marker
  Lesson 3 The Ploymerase Chain Reaction
  Lesson 4 Blood Grouping
  lesson 5 hyperlipidaemia
  Lesson 6 Laboratory Diagnosis
  Lesson 7 Sterilization and Disinfection
  Lesson 8 Coagulation Mechanism
  Lesson 9 Dveloping Protein Chips for Protein Expression Profiling
  Lesson 10 Specific Protein Determination
  Lesson 11 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
  Lesson 12 Chemiluminescent and Bioluminescent Techniques
  Lesson 13 Enzymatic Colorimetric of Blie Acids
  Lesson 14 Immunotechnology
  Lesson 15 DNA or Gene Cloning
  Lesson 16 The Safety Controversy of Gene Cloning
  Lesson 17 DNA Microarray-A Technology That is Reshaping Molecular Biology
  Lesson 18 Enzymes in Clinical Diagnosis
  Lesson 19 The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test and Diabetes Mellitus
