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现代大学英语(精读 4)

现代大学英语(精读 4)

定 价:¥35.90

作 者: 杨立民总主编;徐克容主编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 大学英语

ISBN: 9787560032719 出版时间: 2003-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 505 页 字数:  




暂缺《现代大学英语(精读 4)》作者简介


Plan of the Book Acknowledgement Text Lesson One Text A Thinking as a Hobby Text B The Pleasures of Learning Lesson Two Text A Waiting for the Police Text B The Hitch-hiker Lesson Three Text A Why Historians Disagree Text B The Third Man Lesson Four Text A A Drink in the Passage Text B The Bench Lesson Five Text A Man of the Moment Text B Climbing the Mountain of Success Lesson Six Text A Groundless Beliefs Text B Corn-pone Opinions Lesson Seven Text A Spring Sowing Text B The Earth Poet Lesson Eight Text A Globalization’s Dual Power Text B The International Language of Gestures Lesson Nine Text A The Most Dangerous Game Text B The Big Buffalo Bass Lesson Ten Text A The Telephone Text B The Hour of Letdown Lesson Eleven Text A The Pen of My Aunt Text B Only Three More Days Lesson Twelve Text A Lions and Tigers and Bears Text B Two Cities Lesson Thirteen Text A Soldier’s Heart Text B War Lesson Fourteen Text A How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? Text B They Dared Cocaine—and Lost Lesson Fifteen Text A The Damned Human Race Text B The Case Against Man Vocabulary List Idiomatic Expressions and Collocations
