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定 价:¥27.50

作 者: 梁正溜主编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 大学英语应用提高阶段专业英语阅读系列
标 签: 专业英语

ISBN: 9787810806268 出版时间: 2003-03-25 包装: 平装
开本: 23cm 页数: 401 字数:  






Unit One
Text 1 Catch Them Young
Text 2 Hearts and Minds
Text 3 Blinded by Bread
Text 4 Womb at the Top
Text 5 Aging and Caring
Unit Two
Text 1 Caffeine May Ward Off Parkinsons
Text 2 Live Fast, Die Young
Text 3 Seeing Pink Helps Smokers Quit
Text 4 A Force of Nature?
Text 5 Vergil
Unit Three
Text 1 When the Head Rules the Heart
Text 2 High-protein Diets May Help Hearts
Text 3 Trigger Happy
Text 4 Vital Signs
Text 5 From the Foot of the Gurney
Unit Four
Text 1 Sleep Easy
Text 2 Bringing Up Boozers
Text 3 Suck It and See
Text 4 They Need Your DNA
Text 5 Messages
Unit Five
Text 1 Tainted Air
Text 2 Japan May Finally Swallow the Pill
Text 3 Nicotines Fatal Attraction
Text 4 Brave New Medicine
Text 5 Dont Call Me "Larry"
Unit Six
Text 1 Sounds Alarming
Text 2 Sins of the Parents
Text 3 Obsessions, Compulsions Span Decades
Text 4 Brand Not Contraband"
Text 5 Tactile
Unit Seven
Text 1 Healthy Vibes
Text 2 Cancer Scare for Cellphone Users
Text 3 Hair Today, Skin Tomorrow
Text 4 Dial F for Fear
Text 5 A Case of Mutual Distrust
Unit Eight
Text 1 Another Reason to Diet
Text 2 Insatiable Appetites
Text 3 Poisonous Fat
Text 4 Patient Heal Thyself?
Text 5 My Name Is Jack
Unit Nine
Text 1 Saved by the Light
Text 2 Brain Wave
Text 3 Zap It and See
Text 4 Education for a Biocomplex Future
Text 5 A Visit from My Daughter"
Unit Ten
Text 1 Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Vegetables
Text 2 Add Olive Oil, Lemon and a Clove of Garlic.
Text 3 Alcohol May Guard Diabetics Hearts
Text 4 Reaching Out for World Health
Text 5 Be Careful What You Wish for
Unit Eleven
Text 1 Depressed Smokers Ride Immune Downer
Text 2 Emotions Need Forty Winks
Text 3 Making Use of Mismatched Donor Marrow
Text 4 Not Now, Dr Miracle
Text 5 Four-Wheel-Drive Medicine
Unit Twelve
Text 1 A Robot in the Right Vein
Text 2 Clearing the Mind
Text 3 Ouch! That Hurt
Text 4 In Your Face
Text 5 A Wake-up Call
Unit Thirteen
Text 1 Clinics Admit They Take Sperm from Dead Men
Text 2 Blame Your Mother
Text 3 Dont Blame the Father
Text 4 The Coming Revolution
Text 5 The Ungifted Physician
Unit Fourteen
Text 1 Half Fish, Half Robot
Text 2 Grow-Your-Own Organs
Text 3 Healing the Brain
Text 4 Tread Carefully
Text 5 A Moment of Clarity
Unit Fifteen
Text 1 Heavenly Scent
Text 2 Fighting the Battle of file Bulge
Text 3 Damage Limitation
Text 4 Free for All
Text 5 Crossing Over
Unit Sixteen
Text 1 Go West, Young Woman
Text 2 Elixir of Youth
Text 3 End of the Road for Brain Evolution
Text 4 Waiting for a Miracle
Text 5 Whispering Through the Keyhole
Unit Seventeen
Text 1 Almost Human
Text 2 Picture This
Text 3 Treat Genetic Diseases Before Birth
Text 4 How Many Layers Does It Take
Text 5 Sherry and Richard
Unit Eighteen
Text 1 Seek and Destroy
Text 2 Alcoholism Shows Its Youthful Side
Text 3 Stop Cancer Before It Starts
Text 4 The Last Taboo
Text 5 The Most Primitive Sense
Unit Nineteen
Text 1 Animal Virus Found in Depressed People
Text 2 Birth of a Miracle
Text 3 Mind Switch Could Help Disabled Regain Control
Text 4 The Great Divide?
Text 5 Star Material
Unit Twenty
Text 1 Keep Your Hair On
Text 2 Exercise Helps Some Cancer, Heart Patients
Text 3 Times Up
Text 4 Cool Heads in a Hot Climate
Text 5 Can an Amulet Cure Leukemia?
Key to Reading Comprehension Questions
