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定 价:¥17.80

作 者: 张宝华编
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
标 签: 船舶

ISBN: 9787810733748 出版时间: 2003-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20cm 页数: 312 字数:  


  In the previous several passages, a study of the power engineering was thoroughly made. From now on, a concise introduction concerning the light current engineering will be presented to you, which deals with the equipment for navigation, communication, observation and detection. Indeed, the above equipment can well boast itself to be the ears and eyes of a ship. In the first place, we will come to the navigation equipment.




Lesson 1 An Introduction of H D Shipyard(1)
Lesson 2 An Introduction of H D Shipyard(2)
Lesson 3 Shipbuilding Contract(1)
Lesson 4 Shipbuilding Contract(2)
Lesson 5 Principal Dimensions
Lesson 6 Other Seakee, ;ng Performances(1)
Lesson 7 Other Seakeeping Performances(2)
Lesson 8 Hull Construction(1)
Lesson 9 Hull C-onstruction(2)
Lesson 10 Ship Equipment
Lesson 11 Workmanship for Hull Building(1)
Lesson 12 Workmanship for Hull Building(2)
Lesson 13 Welding
Lesson 14 Marine Diesel Engines(1)
Lesson 15 Marine Diesel Engines(2)
Lesson 16 Marine Diesel Engines(3)
Lesson 17 The Propulsion Plant
Lesson 18 The Shaft System
Lesson 19 The Power Systems of Diesel Engines
Lesson 20 Ship Systems(1)
Lesson 21 Ship Systems(2)
Lesson 22 The Power System
Lesson 23 The Application of Electriity on Board
Lesson 24 Intercommunication and Electrical Signals
Lesson 25 Three Stages of Main Engine Control
Lesson 26 Power Station Automation
Lesson 27 Navigation Equipment(1)
Lesson 28 Navigation Equipment(2)
Lesson 29 Radio Communication Equipment
Lesson 30 Painting
Lesson 31 Sea Trial
Lesson 32 Quality Management
Lesson 33 The Application of Computers
