0 新经理
The New Manager
1 给予反馈
Give feedback
2 把坏消息变成好事
Make the best of bad news
3 授权
4 留住离职员工的智慧
Pick the brains of departing workers
5 经常进行业务考核
Review performance regularly
6 果断决策, 沉着应付
Decide and deliver
7 运用“赞赏激励法”
Exert“praise motivation”
8 谋划准备会议
Plan your meetings
9 多听
Listen more
10 战略性思考
Think strategically
11 建立同盟
Build alliances
12 获取反馈
Get feedback
13 给予正确指导
Give great instructions
14 讲话有分量
Speak with power
15 降服愤世嫉俗者
Win over cynics
16 主动迎接变化
Prepare for change
17 适时缄默不语
Muzzle your mouth
18 提出尖锐问题
Pose penetrating questions
19 提升表现不好或一般的员工
Lift poor and mediocre performers
20 款待你的听众
Regale your audience
21 批评而不责备
Criticize without criticism
22 提前完成任务
Beat the clock
23 打动上级
Impressyour boss
24 与大家打成一片
Mix and mingle