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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科法律国际法欧盟法:第三版(影印本)



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: (英)乔·肖(Jo Shaw)著
出版社: 法律出版社
丛编项: 麦克米伦法学精要丛书
标 签: 国际法

ISBN: 9787503642548 出版时间: 2003-05-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 21cm 页数: 416 字数:  






Preface and Acknowledgements
Table of Cases
Table of Articles
List of Abbreviations
Table of Equivalences
Part1 Introducin the European Union and its Constitutional Framework
1.Studying the Law of the European Union
2.Evolving from Community to Union
3.The Unfinished Union:The Treaty of Maastricht and Beyond
Part2 The Institutional and Coustitutional Framework of the EU
4.The Institutions of the European Union
5.The Evolving EU Constitutional Framework
Part3 The Eurppean Union and its Institutions at Work
6.The Legal and Cons titutional Dimensions of Policy Making in the European Union
7.Legislative, Administrative and Budgetary Procedures
8.The Implementation and Enfo rcement of EU Law
part Valres and Principles in European Union Constitutional Framework
9.Fundamental Rights and General Principles of Law
10.Citizenship and the European Union
Part The EU Legal Order and the National Legal Orders
11.Article 234EC The Organic Connection Betweem National Courts and the Court of Justice
12.EU Law and the Legal Systens of the Member States
13.The Nationla Dimension Domestic Remedies for Breach of EC Law and National R eactions to the Challenge
Part The judicial Control of the EU Institutions
14.Introduction to the Judicial ontrol of the EU institutions
15.Judicial R eview of the Acts of the Institutions
16.Judicial Control of Failure to Act
17.Non-Contractral Liabiity and Compensation for Loss Caused by the EU
Index 【媒体评论】
