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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术医学预防医学、卫生学动物生物学



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作 者: (英)RichardD.Jurd编著
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 现代生物学精要速览
标 签: 动物学 生物学

ISBN: 9787030073068 出版时间: 1999-03-01 包装: 简裝本
开本: 26cm 页数: 294页 字数:  






Abbreviations Preface Section A-Classification A1 The Protozoa A2 Phylum Porifera A3 Phylum Mesozoa A4 Phylum Cnidaria (=Coelenterata) A5 Phylum Platyhelminthes A6 Phylum Nemertina(=Memertea or Rhynchocoela) A7 Phylum Nematoda A8 Phylum Annelida A9 Phylum Mollusca A10 Phylum Onychophora A11 Phylum Arthropoda A12 Phylum Echinodermata A13 Phylum Hemichordata A14 Phylum Chordata Section B-Animal structure, development and relationships B1 Body plans and body cavities B2 Symmetry in animals B3 Skeletons B4 Protostomes and deuterostomes B5 Relationships between phyla B6 Neoteny and pedogenesis B7 Evolutionary origins of the Chordata Section C-Comparative animal physiology C1 Homeostasis Respiration C2 Respiration C3 Human external respiration (ventilation or breathing\'') C4 Gas transport in the blood C5 Diving physiology C6 High altitude respiration Blood and circulation C7 Blood and circulation C8 Mammalian circulatory system C9 Mammalian blood C10 The mammalian heart C11 Vertebrate hearts and arterial systems and their evolution Immune system C12 The immune system C13 Immune responses C14 Hypersensitivity autoimmunity and immunization C15 Lymphatic system and lymph Internal environment C16 Osmoregulation C17 Nitrogenous excretion C18 The gut and digestion
C19 Human blood glucose control C20 Temperature relationships C21 Thermoregulation Integration and control C22 Hormones C23 Integration and control:nerves C24 Integration and control:brain C25 Sense organs C26 Bone and connective tissue in the vertebrate skeleton C27 Muscles C28 Nonmuscular movement
C29 Integument and skin C30 Locomotion: swimming C31 Locomotion: terrestrial locomotion C32 Locomotion: flight C33 Buoyancy Section D-Reproduction and development D1 Reproduction gametogenesis and fertilization D2 Development and birth
D3 Lactation D4 Metamorphosis D5 Puberty in humans D6 The menstrual cycle in women D7 Mid-life and menopause in humans D8 Aging
D9 Theories of aging Further reading Index
