第三版前言 Ⅴ使用说明 ⅨUnit 1 1PART A 1Cambridge-the University Town 1PART B 9I. Oxford 9II. The First Day in a Polytechnic in London 12PART C 15Improve your Reading 15Unit 2 18PART A 18New York City 18PART B 26I. New York 26II. The Man Who Planned the City of Washington 30PART C 35How to Read a Text 35Unit 3 37PART A 37The Voices of Time 37PART B 44I. American Table Manners 44II. The English are Different 47PART C 51Reading Silently and Reading in Sense Groups 51Unit 4 54PART A 54Why is the Native Language Learnt so Well? 54PART B 62I. How to Give a Good Speech 62II . Learning Chinese in Beijing 66PART C 71Using Context Clues to Guess Word Meanings (1) 71Unit 5 76PART A 76 Beavers 76PART B 84I. The Polar Bears of Churchill 84II. Invisible Wall Protects Swimmers from Sharks 87PART C 92Using Context Clues to Guess Word Meanings (2) 92Unit 6 94PART A 94The Midnight Visitor 94PART B 102I. Patients Needed 102II. A Gifted B.B.C. Newscaster 107PART C 110Using Word Part Clues to Guess Word Meanings (1) 110Unit 7 114PART A 114Out of College and Into the Red 114PART B 121I. The Best Teacher I Ever Had 121II. The College at Deep Springs 125PART C 128Using Word Part Clues to Guess Word Meanings (2) 128Unit 8 131PART A 131Overpopulation and Social Behavior 131PART B 140I. That Other Woman in My Life 140II. People and Colors 144PART C 149Using Word Part Clues to Guess Word Meanings (3) 149Unit 9 154PART A 154How to Saw a Woman in Half - and Mend Her Again 154PART B 161I. How do Handwriting Experts Catch Criminals? 161II. When a New Job Depends upon your Handwriting 166PART C 170Using a Dictionary (1) 170Unit 10 173PART A 173Companionship of Books 173PART B 181I. A Payment Greater than Money 181II. Monday Morning Miracle 186PART C 190Using a Dictionary (2) 190Vocabulary 192Phrases 210