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作 者: 教育部《医学英语》教材编写组编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 专门用途英语系列教材
标 签: 基础医学

ISBN: 9787040096583 出版时间: 2004-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 26cm 页数: 248 字数:  


  专门用途英语系列教材是由教育部规划的高等学校专业英语阶段的教材。本系列教材从高级应用型人地和培养的总体目标出发,结合学生毕业后的工作实际,力求向学生提供其未来工作岗位所需要的专业英语知识和技能,培养学生使用涉外业务英语的能力。 本系列教材每册书都由10个单元组成每单元包括“阅读与翻译”、“模拟套写”和“听力与会话”三部分。 教材构思独特、实用性强,尤其突出了各专业涉外业务的实际需要;选材新颖、点面结合、内容丰富、语言规范;练习的设计兼具实用性和针对必来便于教学,各单元每一部分均注有生词和短语,书后还配有总词汇表、练习答案和参考译文。本系列教材主要供高等院校(包括高等专科院校和高等职业院校)专业英语使用,也可供电大各类成人院校及广大专业人员学习专业英语,提高涉外业务交际能力使用。




UNIT 1 Massage Therapy
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Massage Therapy for Health and Fitness
Reading B: Ten Least Wanted Foodborne Pathogens
Part Two Simulated Writing: Business Letters (I)
Sample 1 Establishing Business Relations
Sample 2 A Reply
Sample 3 Self-introduction by an Exporter
Sample 4 Self-introduction by an Importer
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 Meeting People at the Airport
Sample Conversation 2 Checking In at a Hotel
Sample Conversation 3 Discussing a Program
Sample Conversation 4 At a Formal Meeting

UNIT 2 World Health Organization
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: World Health Organization (WHO)
Reading B: Parkinsons Disease
Part Two Simulated Writing: Letter of Application
Sample 1 Applying for a Position of Nurse
Sample 2 Applying for a Position of Surgeon
Sample 3 Applying for a Position of Teacher
Sample 4 Applying for a Position of Secretary
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 On Campus
Sample Conversation 2 In Office
Sample Conversation 3 At a Lecture
Sample Conversation 4 In a Restaurant

UNIT 3 Acupuncture
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Acupuncture in Foreigners Eyes
Reading B: Famous Chinese Ancient Physicians: Whos Who
Part Two Simulated Writing: Business Letters (II)
Sample 1 An Enquiry for Dental Units
Sample 2 A Non-firm Offer
Sample 3 A Firm Offer
Sample 4 A Counter-offer
Sample 5 Declining the Counter-offer
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 What Do Acupuncture and Moxibustion Mean?
Sample Conversation 2 What Can Acupuncture Help?
Sample Conversation 3 What Does Qi Refer to?
Sample Conversation 4 Acupuncture and Reflexology

UNIT 4 Cloning Technique
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Forever Young
Reading B: Bigger, Not Better
Part Two Simulated Writing: Notice and Program
Sample 1 One-day Arrangement
Sample 2 A Lecture
Sample 3 A Ph.D. Oral Defence
Sample 4 A Two-day Tour Program in Xian
Sample 5 A Program for an International Conference
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 An In-class Discussion
Sample Conversation 2 At an Oral Defence
Sample Conversation 3 Report of a Case
Sample Conversation 4 Diagnosis of a Case

UNIT 5 Fastine and Flower Remedies
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: A Look at Fasting
Reading B: Flower Remedies
Part Two Simulated Writing: Business Letters (HI)
Sample 1 L/C
Sample 2 L/C
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 Why Not Try TCM?
Sample Conversation 2 In the Clinic Office
Sample Conversation 3 Visiting an Inpatient
Sample Conversation 4 A Painful Lower Back

UNIT 6 World for Eyes
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Refractive Surgery: New Ways to Correct Nearsightedness
Reading B: AOV-FB Ophthalmic Excimer Laser System
Part Two Simulated Writing: Letters of Invitation
Sample 1 Informal Invitation
Sample 2 Informal Acceptance
Sample 3 Informal Regret
Sample 4 Formal Invitation
Sample 5 Formal Invitation
Sample 6 Formal Acceptance
Sample 7 Formal Regret
Sample 8 Formal Regret
Sample 9 Formal Invitation
Sample 10 Formal Regret
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 At a Seafood Restaurant
Sample Conversation 2 In a market
Sample Conversation 3 At Morning Tea Time
Sample Conversation 4 McDonalds or Pizza Hut?

Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Nutrition Against AIDS
Reading B: Disease Management: Has It a Future?
Part Two Simulated Writing: Business Letters (IV)
Sample Sales Contract
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 Rejection of a Payment After Delivery
Sample Conversation 2 Rejection of Reduction in Price
Sample Conversation 3 Rejection of Vague Wording
Sample Conversation 4 Refusal of Changes in Terms of Payment

UNIT 8 Medication
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Rezulin Proves the System Works
Reading B: AVANDIA
Part Two Simulated Writing: Abstract of Dissertation
Sample 1
Sample 2
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 Seek and Offer Medical Advice (A)
Sample Conversation 2 Seek and Offer Medical Advice (B)
Sample Conversation 3 Seek and Offer Medical Advice (C)
Sample Conversation 4 Seek and Offer Medical Advice (D)

UNIT 9 FDA Im0ort Procedures
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Import Procedures (I)
Reading B: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Import Procedures (II)
Part Two Simulated Writing: History of Illness
Sample 1
Sample 2
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 IOS
Sample Conversation 2 Ocean Carriers
Sample Conversation 3 F.P.A and W.P.A
Sample Conversation 4 Warehouse to Warehouse Clause

UNIT 10 Nanotechnology
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A: Nanotechnology
Reading B: MedPlanet
Part Two Simulated Writing: Speech Writing
Sample 1
Sample 2
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 About RMB
Sample Conversation 2 About Visa
Sample Conversation 3 About Time Difference
Sample Conversation 4 Fahrenheit and Centigrade Scale
