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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史文物考古中国考古:英文版



定 价:¥58.00

作 者: 杨阳,赵古山主编;中国文物交流中心编
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 中华风物
标 签: 历史文物

ISBN: 9787119031149 出版时间: 2002-12-01 包装: 精装
开本: 18×19cm 页数: 103 字数:  


  China is one of the world’s ancient civilizations. Its continuous 5,000-year history and traditional culture have enabled it to exert a significant influence on the development of world civilization. China is a great country with abundant cultural-historical resources. Its vast accumulation of ancient literature, together with successive archeological discoveries, have given her a high place in the treasure-house of the world’s cultural heritage.




The sacrificial altar,goddess temple,and rock graves of the Hongshan culture in Liaoning
Fuhao''s tomb at the Yin Ruins in Anyang,Henan
Sanxingdui sacrificial pit in Guanghan ,Sichan
Burial ground of the State of Guo in Sanmenxia City,Henan Province
The tomb of the Marquis of Zengin Suizhou City ,Hubei Prorince
The tombs of the Price of Zhougshan in Pingshan County ,Hebei Province
Terracotta figures of warriors and horses at the Qinshihuang Mausoleum
The Han tombs at Mawantdui,Changsha
Han Dynasthy Tombs at Mancheng
Underground Palace at Famen Temple in Shaanxi
Tomb of the Princess of Chen in the Liao Dynastty
Peking Man cave at Zhoukoudian,Beijing
The Banpo site in Xi''an City ,shaanxi provice
Earth mound of the Liangzhu cultrre at Fanshan,Yuhang City,Zhejiang Province
Taoshi ruins in Yanshi city,henan Provice
Erlirou ruins in at Baoji City in Shaanxi Province
Chu tomb at Wangshan ,Jiangling County ,Hubei Rrovince
The Eastern Han tomb at Leitai in Wuwei City,Gansu Provingce
Isketch map Of the locations of major archeoloifcal discoverise in China
II Abridf Chinese chronology
