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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语写作/翻译英语科研论文写作概要



定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 冯翠华编著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 高等院校英语语言文学专业研究生系列教材
标 签: 研究生英语

ISBN: 9787810805247 出版时间: 2003-03-25 包装: 平装
开本: 21cm 页数: 385 字数:  






Preface:Rationale for the Book:Its Layout
Part I Review of Some Basic Usage Concepts
Chapter 1 choosing the Right Word
1.1 General Remarks
1.2 Short Words or Long Words
1.3 Common Words,Learned Words or Specialixed Words
1.4 General Words or Specific Words
1.5 Coneral Words or Abstract Words
1.6 Referete or Emotive Words
1.7 Choice Between (Among)Synonymous Words
1.8 Keeping Up with the Changing English Vocabulary
Questions and Exercises
Chapter2 Choosingfrom Sentence Types
2.1 General Remards
2.2 Long and Short Sentences
2.3 Simple,Compound and Complex Sentences
2.4 Types of Balanced Sentences
2.4.1 Parallelism
2.4.2 Amtithesis
2.4.3 Chiasmus and Antimetavole
2.5 Omission or Addition in Sentences
2.5.1 Ellipsis
2.5.2 Fragmentary Elliptical Sentences
2.5.3 Asyndeton(Omission of Conjunctions)
2.5.4 Aposiopesis(Breaking off in mid-sentencd)
2.5.5 Polysyndeton (Use of Many Conjunctions)
2.5.6 Addition to Clarity by Making More Explicit
2.5.7 Addition by Amplification
2.5.8 Parenthesis
2.6 Types of Repetition in Sentences,in Whole or in Part
2.6.1 Repetition of Whole Sentences
2.6.2 Syntactic Anaphora:Repetition of Beginning Words
2.6.3 Syntactic Epiphora:Repetition of Ending Words
2.6.4 Syntactic Framing:Repetition of Beginning and End-ing Words
2.7 Climax and Anti-climax
2.7.1 Climax
2.7.2 Anti-climax
Questions and Exercises
Chapter3 The Rheorical Use of Punctuation
3.1 General Remarks
3.2 Stops or Pause Marks
3.2.1 The Period and the Semi-colon
3.2.2 The Colon
3.2.3 The Comma
3.3 Parenthetical Marks
3.4 Specific Marks for“xpression”in Writing
Questions and Exercises
Chapter4 Writing About Image and Imagery
4.1 General Remarks
4.2 Personification
4.3 Simile
4.4 Metaphor
4.5 Metonymy and Symecdoche
Questions and Exercises
Chapter5 Quotations and Allusions
5.1 General Remarks on Quotations
5.2 Examples of Quoting,and of Crediting of Sources
5.2.1 Qiptomg from a Book
5.2.2 Quoting from a Play
5.2.3 Quoting from a Poem
5.3 Allusions and How to Explain Them
Questions and Exercises
Part II Major Strategies in Academic Writing
Chapter6 Defining
Chapter7 Serializng
Chapter8 Comparison
Chapter9 Classification
Chapter10 Analyzing and Critical Analyses
Chapter11 Summary and Precis Writing
Chapter12 Paraphrasing
Part III Readings for Academic Writing
Chapter13 The Informative Essay
Chapter14 The Comparative Essay
Chapter15 The Analytical/Critical Essay
Chapter16 Argument
Appendix A Full Text of Two Short Stories
Appendix B Guidelines on Reuision and Editing
Appendix C Documentation Guidelines
Appendix D How to Render Thanks in Acknowledgements
