About the Author,From76until78,Bill Brown was a young airman in the U.S.Air Force in Taiwan,Never dreaming that 10 years later,he and his wife and sons would settle on the opposite side of the Taiwan Straits in ancient Amoy.When asked why he moved to China,Bill said,"Because Chinese food is too expensive in America."In 1994,the Browns set out to explore their 2nd home by driving their van,"Toy Ota,"over 40,000km around China-up the coast,through the Gobi desert,over the Himalayan heights to Tibet,and back.They were impressed by the scope and pace of change in every corner of China,and loved the food(but didn’t care for Tibetan buttered tea).But 40,000 km of driving taught the Browns that there is no place like home-sepscially when home is the magical island of Amoy.