Production and Financial Industries
Main Indicators of Economic Activities
1-1 高技术产业主要经济指标
Main Economic Indicators of High Technology Industries
1-2 制造业主要经济指标
Main Economic Indicators of Manufacturing Industries
Grouped by Industry
1-3 企业数
Number of Enterprises
1-4 当年价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices
1-5 不变价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at 1990 Constant Prices
1-6 增加值
Value Added of Industry
1-7 销售收入
Sales Revenue
1-8 利润
1-9 利税
Taxes and Profits
1-10 大型企业数
Number of Large-sized Enterprises
1-11 大型企业当年价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Large-sized Enterprises
1-12 大型企业不变价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at 1990 Constant Prices of Large-sized Enterprises
1-13 大型企业增加值
Value Added of lndustry of Large-sized Enterprises
1-14 大型企业销售收入
Sales Revenue of Large-sized Enterprises
1-15 大型企业利润
Profits of Large-sized Enterprises
1-16 大型企业利税
Taxes and Profits of Large-sized Enterprises
Number of Medium-sized Enterprises
1-18 中型企业当年价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Medium-sized Enterprises
1-19 中型企业不变价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at 1990 Constant Prices of Medium-sized Enterprises
1-20 中型企业增加值
Value Added of lndustry of Medium-sized Enterprises
1-21 中型企业销售收入
Sales Revenue of Medium-sized Enterprises
1-22 中型企业利润
Profits of Medium-sized Enterprises
1-23 中型企业利税
Taxes and Profits of Medium-sized Enterprises
1-24 小型企业数
Number of Small-sized Enterprises
1-25 小型企业当年价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Small- sized Enterprises
1-26 小型企业不变价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at 1990 Constant Prices of Small-sized Enterprises
1-27 小型企业增加值
Value Added of lndustry of Small-sized Enterprises
1-28 小型企业销售收入
Sales Revenue of Small-sized Enterprises
1-29 小型企业利润
Profits of Small-sized Enterprises
1-30 小型企业利税
Taxes and Profits of Small-sized Enterprises
1-31 国有企业数
Number of State-owned Enterprises
1-32 国有企业当年价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of State-owned Enterprises
1-33 国有企业不变价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at 1990 Constant Prices of State-owned Enterprises
1-34 国有企业增加值
Value Added of lndustry of State-owned Enterprises
1-35 国有企业销售收入
Sales Revenue of State-owned Enterprises
1-36 国有企业利润
Profits of State-owned Enterprises
1-37 国有企业利税
Taxes and Profits of State-owned Enterprises
1-38 三资企业企业数
Number of Joint Ventures
1-39 三资企业当年价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at Current Prices of Joint Ventures
1-40 三资企业不变价总产值
Gross Industrial Output Value at 1990 Constant Prices of Joint Ventures
1-41 三资企业增加值
Value Added of lndustry of Joint Ventures
1-42 三资企业销售收入
Sales Revenue of Joint Ventures